From 1968 the CCC has published original high quality philatelic books on various subjects, they are all well printed and bound and released at quite reasonable prices. All books are hard bound. All editions are limited, to date none have been reprinted and reprinting is not anticipated in the future. The Arthur Salm Foundation reports are listed at the bottom of this web page.
In the secondary market the CCC publications often sell for a premium, especially those that are out of print. We stock the in-print titles at the published price and the out of print ones as best we can. On the below listings the out of print should be in stock at the indicated prices but it is always best to confirm by e-mail.
New York Foreign Mail Cancellations 1870-1876 by van Vlissingen and Waud
Chicago Postal History by Dr. Harvey M. Karlen, LC No. 79-135669
A useful and enjoyable short history from Fort Dearborn, Chicago's 1st Post Office in 1832, the stampless markings and covers, the 1847 usages, the 1856 Private Perforations, the Civil War, Double Circle and Local Postmarks, Locals, Foreign Mail, etc. ending about 1905.
Franks of the Western Express by Mel Nathan This book is considerably out of date and is only of reference as to what was once believed
U.S. 1869 issue, An Essay-Proof History by F. J. Schueren Printings of 350 copies on the regular and 150 on the deluxe.
U.S. Mail and Post Office Assistant, 1860-1872
The reprint of Holbrook's monthly newspaper for postmasters, it is devoted almost exclusively to postage rates, mail schedules and regulations with some advertising of postal interest. This is original primary source data and not an interpretations.
Colorado Territory and Pre-Territorial Postmarks by D. L. Jarrett, LC No. 76-5613
An extensive listing with illustrations of the postmarks, the Post Offices for the Territorial and Pre-Territorial, Postmaster Compensation rom 1861 through 1877, and Private Express Companies with cover illustrations and detailed text.
The Express Mail of 1836-1839 by Dr. James W. Milgram, LCNo. 77-78944
e Express Mail of 1836-1839 by Dr. James W. Milgram
An exceptional book on this intriguing service and the covers.
The Flight of the "Ville D'Orleans by Ernest M. Cohn
The Waterbury Cancellations 1865-1890 by Rohloff & Diamond
Postal Markings of Stampless Covers of New Jersey by William C. Coles Jr., LC No. 83-72780
Illustrates all stampless postmarks along with dates and rarity guide. Numerous interesting usages are illustrated and discussed such as: Canal, Railroad, Express, War of 1812, Way Letters, Registered and much more.
Minnesota, The Minnesota Territory in Postmarks, Letters and History by Floyd E. Risvold A most detailed study starting with the early history and 15 maps ranging from 1671 through 1858, the post offices with opening and closing dates, the markings with many drawings and about 200 covers illustrated and described.
Vessel-Named Markings on United States Inland and Ocean Waterways
1810-1890 by Dr. James W. Milgram
Most markings are shown on full covers, about full size, 1627 halftones
of which 43 are CSA items. An excellent reference work for US Waterways.
British Pictorial Envelopes of the 19th Century by Bodily, Jarvis and Hahn, LC No. 86-070478
A beautifully book, fine black and white illustrations, + 32 pages
in full color. We apologized for the quality of the above image, the book is much better. The text is worth reading, enjoyable, informative and scholarly.
The U.S. Large Numeral Postage Due Stamps by George B. Arfken
This book covers all facets of the subject from the proofs and essays, stamps, markings and covers in addition to the regulations. A photograph is tipped in that is not perfect, nearly so, but is still of much value in determining the color.
Chicago's Crabgrass Communities by Dr. Harvey M. Karlen, LC No. 92-81856, ISBN 0-916675-04-1
The 19th Century towns surrounding Chicago which the city eventually
encompassed, for a period these 82 post offices continued to operated independent of
the Chicago PO though they were within the Chicago City Limits. The townships being such well known names as Hyde Park, Lake View, Jefferson, Lake, Calumet, and Cicero.
An Encyclopedia of Texas Post Offices by Walter Godfrey Schmidt, LC 93-071769, ISBN 0-916675-05-X
The post office establishment date along with the country is given and for
the discontinuance we have an actual date or if still current the zip code. About 11,300 post offices are listed and 87 covers are illustrated. Texas under five flags: Spanish, Mexican, Republic, Confederate and the USA.
New Hebrides Islands: Military Postal History of the U.S. Forces 1942-1946
by Stanley C. Jersey, LC 94-72326, ISBN 0-916675-06-8
Over 200 covers and 100's of postal markings are illustrated
Stamps of the Mexican Revolution 1913-1916 by Nicholas Follansbee, ISBN No. 0-916675-08-4
The definitive work for the period with pricing for every listed item: Sonora, Constitutional, Local Provisional Overprints, Monogram Overprints, Oaxaca Provisionals, Inflation Period, Officials, etc.
United States Registered Mail 1845-1870 by James W. Milgram Detailed coverage of unofficial registration from 1845 to 1855 and the official system to 1870, listing of 150 handstamped registered mail markings, a coverage of the relation of the US registered system to services in other countries. Not published by the CCC but CCC quality
Patriotic Covers of World War II by Larry Sherman
List about 9,660 cachets, each with a description and a
value code, listing of 627 publishers with chapters on the history of 25 major ones and 435 imprints.
United States Patriotic Envelopes of World War II by Lawrence Sherman
A new edition but not by the CCC. This edition is in full color and list over 11,060 cachets versus 9,660 in the first edition which sold out in several months. New Chapters: Hand Painted Cachets, The impact of the Patriotic Covers on the war effort, The wartime work of Jacques Minkus, etc.
The United States Post Office in World War II by Lawrence Sherman, LC 2001 131249, ISBN 0-916675-10-6
This book is based on the 1951 PO document titled A Wartime History of the Post Office Department with the addition of 300 illustrations and commentaries by today's postal historians.
Chicago's Mail, An anthology of postal history articles focusing upon the community's
growth, it's interests, and its attitudes by Harvey M. Karlen, ISBN No. 916675-09-02
The author is first rate as is the text however the illustrations are not as one would expect from the CCC. This was realized thus the printing was quite limited, in fact the lowest of any CCC book. A collection of mostly previously published articles from the pre-Post Office period through the Chicago Perforations and the Civil War to the Century of Progress, it is quite useful to the collector.
Canada's Registered Mail, 1802-1909 by H. W. Harrison, G. Arfken and Dr. K. G. Scringeour.
From Money Letters in 1802, Registry in 1856, Stamps in 1875, Postal Markings, Rates and Regulations. The definitive and perhaps final word on the subject.
The Hungarian Hyperinflation of 1945-1946, The Postage Rates and Postal History of History's Most Impressive Inflation by Robert B. Morgan, LC No. 2003-104997, ISBN 0-916675-14-9
An exceptional study of 27 rate changes over a two year period, excellent history and philately, well written. It covers all forms of postal service: Air Mail, Registered, Diplomatic Mail, Parcel Post, Express, Five-Word Greetings, Printed Matter, Matter for the Blind, Censored and many more.
The First Perforated U.S. Issue, 1857 by Jon Rose
U.S. Contract Mail Routes by Water, Star Routes 1824-1875, by Hugh V. Feldman, LC No. 2007-943218, ISBN 978-0-916675-15-8
TEN-CENT 1869 Covers, A Postal History Survey by Michael Laurence ISBN 978-0-9827357-0-1
Background explaining why, how, when, and where U.S. citizens, resident enemy aliens, diplomats, deportees from Latin America, and Axis merchant seamen were interned. More than 250 illustrations showing covers, censorship, and postal markings from camps operated by the Army, Immigration and Naturalization Service, State Department, and War Relocation Authority.
The first compilation of mail of noncombatant civilians, diplomats, and Axis merchant seamen held by the U.S. government during World War II. To understand why political groups were incarcerated as well as their postal history, background on historical events of the war relating to the groups incarcerated is necessary. Specific historical facts are present to aid philatelists in finding relevant postal history.
Chapters include the postal history of the two diplomatic exchanges with Japan carried out by the mercy ship, M.S. Gripsholm, and of Japanese American soldiers, many of whom entered military service after their incarceration in relocation centers. Twenty four 24 tables provide data on camp locations and populations, postal rates, and other details of importance to collectors, including a table on these covers' scarcity. A CD contains three of the author's gold medal exhibits offering additional illustrations of internment camp mail.
Guillermo F. Gallegos and Joseph D. Hahn
An exceptional book with respect to understanding the postal operations of all of early Spanish America and not just El Salvador though the book is devoted to El Salvador, the rates, covers and markings, extensively illustrated, edition limited to 300 copies, 2015, 286 + 18 pages of which 26 are in color, cloth, with dj, $72.50
The 27 chapters range on the Cuban side, from Military History, Cuban Postal Systems in and out of the Island, and Impact on Civilians; on the Spanish side, from Mail from Spanish Soldiers, Sailors, Military Posts, Military Hospitals and POW's, Spanish Patriotic Labels, Interrupted Mails, and Blockade Mail; and on the U.S. side from Mail from all the Military Camps in the United States, Patriotic Covers and Labels, Wartime Correspondence
Mail from American Soldiers, Sailors, Military Hospitals, Military Postal Stations in Cuba, their Postal Markings and Mail Categories, Military Camps in Cuba, Local Provisional Stamp Issues, Official Mail Envelopes, and the Postal Issues of 1899-1902. All three sides, Cuban, Spanish and American, are well covered; Postal Markings, Stamps, Labels, Maps, Documents, Photographs, Tables, etc. A detailed table of contents and a extensive index with listing: cities, army camps, ships, etc. 2019, 752 pages,1,600 illustrations, full color; cloth with DJ. Covers, bound in Buckram with gold stamping and a dust jacket. To a US mailing address $90.00 + $7.50 postage to a US mailing address = $97.50
Describes and illustrating over 575 Naval censor markings, The Collectors Club of Chicago, 2021, 334 pages, cloth, $125.00, enquire
A basic history of the stamps and usages. Similar in format to Jon's two previous books published by Linn's.
Intercepted in Bermuda, The Censorship of Transatlantic Mail during the Second World War by Peter A. Flynn, ISBN No. 0 9166775-15-7
Bermuda was the main point for censorship of mail going by air or ship between the Americas and Europe. There is much history on the service with a listing of the arrival and departure of planes from May 1939 through December 1945. The data base recording over 7,900 covers which has permitted a detailed listing of the markings and there usage, the tapes, examiners, earliest and latest usages by examiner number, etc.
The contract water mail routes for the entire U.S.; excellent, written descriptions, maps and table.
A spectacular book with tremendous value to the collector, numerous maps and covers all in full color, 260 pages on detailed listing and analysis of the routes by state, 50 pages on the procedures and history, five appendices, three indexes and a gazetteer.
A detailed study of the postal rates by country, 1869 - 1876 and the usage of the 10¢, 1,298 covers are cataloged, 476 illustrations, 119 tables.
Detained, Interned, Incarcerated U.S. Noncombatant Internee Mail in World War II by Louis Fiset, LC No. 2010-937676, ISBN 987-0-9827357-1-8
Postage Due
The United States Postage Due Essays, Proofs and Specimens 1879-1986
by Harry K. Charles, Jr. Ph.D.
A major new work from the Collectors Club of Chicago. It must be noted this work extends to 1986 however the major material is the 19th century and goes into detail to the early 20th century but there is little after circa 1930. 2014, 289+ 19 pages, cloth with dj, $70.00
The Prestamp Period of El Salvador (1525 - 1866)
Soviet Clandestine Mail Surveillance, 1917-1991
by David M. Skipton and Steve Volis
A hybrid of philatelic research and history.The political control offices that secretly watched the correspondence of Soviet citizens and foreigners in the USSR and demonstrates that these offices used censor marks resembling postmarks to convey information and instructions between the branches. Hundreds of these censor marks (and censorship-related date stamps) are recorded and illustrated; along with hundreds more that the authors contends were used to aid in the "classification campaigns" of the 1920s. cloth, all-color, 554 + ix pp. edition limited to 300, 2016, 554 pages, full color, cloth with dj, $98.00
U.S. Railroad Contract Mail Routes (1832-1875) by Hugh V. Feldman
This book runs 1,096 pages. in full color, hard bound, dust jacket, illustrates 242 covers, 582 maps and 360 other images. A DVD is included containing over 800 covers many are not illustrated in the book, PMG annual reports and other reports to Congress between 1817 and 1878, these run about 10,000 pages. Also included are images of the manuscript Railroad Contracts by States, 6,773 in all. We think these contracts have never been reproduced before. Published at $97.50
The Postal History of the Spanish-Cuban American War
(1895-1898)by Yamil H. Kouri Jr.
The philatelic aspect on all sides of the war with much related pertinent history.
U.S. Navy Censorship Markings 1940-1945
James Moses
The History of Airmail in Poland and Its
Contribution to Airmail Services of Europe (1914-1939)
Jerzy W. Kupiec-Weglinski
2021, In English and Polish, 422 pages, hard bound, $79.50
Arthur Salm Foundation Reports
Small research pamphlets that get to the subject quickly.
We will supply any or all of the above Arthur Salm reports at no charge with a book order as long as supply last. A slightly updated version of the above is on the Collectors Club of Chicago web site.
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