Philatelic Bibliopole

Leonard H. Hartmann


These books are devoted to the general hobby of philately covering a broad spectrum from serious scholarship to simply enjoyable books to read. Several will be of interest to every collector.

A new book that will rival in interest and utility to the recent books on Ferrari and Fabergé.

Dr. Paul Singer & the History of Shanahan Auctions. Five Years to the Top of the World and a Deep Fall

by Wolfgang Maassen.

This book is an exceptional philatelic history however it is also of much interest to economics and the best documented history of a Ponzi scheme that i know of. Singer appeared in Dublin in 1954, he turned a small auction company, Shanahan, into the world's largest stamp auction house. He attracted tens of thousands of customers from all over the world, offered investment opportunities, everyone was to increase their money invested in stamps very short time. With the first "Millionaire" auction in November 1958, he held a legendary party; 200 bottles champagne, Russian caviar, over 200 guests. In 1959, Singer & Shanahan acquired the world's largest stamp collection, Maurice Burrus. In May, 1959, his success abruptly ended: The stamps for sale of the announced "Mystery Collection", a unique collection of Lombardy Veneto, was stolen, the auction for the 5-year anniversary of the company was canceled. This was followed by the longest and most expensive trials in the history of Ireland. The initial English edition was only 100 copies however i am sure more will be printed. 2019, 187 pages, full color and cloth, published at 37.50 euros plus 19.90 euros for delivery to non-EU addresses., $59.00 from our US stock.

The Royal Philatelic Society London 1869-1969 History of the society and listing of publications, 192 pages, gold leaf, cloth, enquire $65.00

How the Post Office Created America


Winfred Gallagher

This interesting book was reviewed in the June 28th, 2016 issue of the WSJ, How the Post Office Created America by Winifred Gallagher, published by Penguin, 326 pages at $19.00 for paper bound and $28.00 for cloth. Despite a decent index and 287 end notes I do not consider is an authorative study but as it covers over 200 years it is an enjoyable read and with the current interest in "the story" one will probably pick up some good insights into the background, limited stock, cloth edition with dj, $17.50

Agathon Fabergé

Portrait of A Philatleist

by Kaj Hellman & Jeffrey C. Stone

Comparable with the Ferrari book however it has more on the stamps and less of the biography. An excellent overview of his many collection with considerable detail on many, even some plating drawings. In English 382 pages, color, cloth, published at 50 euro plus transit, an excellent review is in the March-April 2018 issue of The Collectors Club Philatelist, $135.00, sold out

Put A Stamp on It!

by Herman Herst, Jr.

forward by

Kenneth Herst

Seventy five of Pat's stories, always enjoyable to read and re-read, might even learn something. Pat loved a good story and did not let facts interfere too much, they are all based mostly on facts. From my memory i recall a 1869 invent was promoted as a new find as such created more buyer interest but in reality it had been in dealer's hands for some time. Of the 77 stories most are printed for the first time but some were reprinted from Pat's previous works. I find Chapters 24, Anonymous Philatelic Writers of real interest. 2016, 354 + 8 pages, card $16.99, enquire first

World Rarities New York 2016

From The Club de Monte Carlo

The actual rarities will be shown at New York

It is quite a volume showing 50 rarities, all in color, even one Confederate, in English, with a good introduction to the club, 2016, 125 pages, hard bound in a velvet fabric, published at 50 euros post paid ($57.50) from our US stock, $45.00

Club de Monte-Carlo 2013

Milestones of the Philatelic Literature

of the 19th Century

by Wolfgang Massen and Vincent Schouberechts

This book was published by the Club de Monte-Carlo for the 2013 exhibit. An exceptional work on the early and major philatelic literature, the books, authors and publishers, with an emphasis on the early works dealing with forgers and forgeries. It is both detailed, authoritative and enjoyable to read.The only comparable study to date is the Crawford Index and the series by Dr.Manfred Amrehein. I consider it an exceptional work and not hurt too much by my small contribution. In English and French, full color, 512 pages, large format, published at €60 (we believe half the production costs), limited stock, $135.00 plus our standard $5 part postage and for foreign plus actual postage.

Milestones, there is now a 200 page supplement and it is available as a no cost download - on . This Supplement has about 20 pages of new material in English, the rest is the text of the book in German, the illustrations are not reproduced. You only need to print out the last 20 or so pages as this is an invaluable reference to most 19th century philatelic people.

Sweden in Philately 1920

Up To 1920

edited by Jonas Hällström

A companion volume by the Club de Monte-Carlo 2013 to the above literature one but covering Sweden, in English and Swedish, full color, 279 pages, large format, published at €60, limited stock, $100.00 plus our standard $3 part postage and for foreign plus actual postage.

Intimate Philatelic Interviews by Dr. Stanley M. Bierman

We now have Dr.Stanley M. Bierman DVD's, in stock, 19 interviews with noted philatelic people between 1984 and 1998 are recorded, each on a DVD. They are in color with sound, project well and can be played on a PC. Well presented in a small album in a folding box. The DVDs were produced by APRL and market for $175. We are pleased to offer at the same price, $175.00

Fundamentals of Philately

Fundamentals of Philately, Revised Edition by N. and M. Williams The 1971 and 1991 editions are nearly identical, the early philatelic history has been corrected in the 1991 edition. Most of the 250+ increase in pages is from the new format having less text per page, we prefer the 1971 format. A definitive book for all serious philatelists; the basics on paper, printing, perforations, gum, etc.

The Story of our Post-Office by Marshall Cushings, 1893, 1034 pages, A tremendous amount of diverse information, well illustrated and indexed, pages sound, rebinding justified, enquire before ordering, $135.00

Encyclopedia of United States Stamps and Stamp Collecting


Rodney A. Juell & Steven J. Rod

A new work on US Stamps and Collecting, from the stampless period though the start of the 21st century. An almanac of US philately.

2006, 720 pages, in full color, cloth with dj, the preferred first printing, $55.00

The Dealers' Guide to Chemical Restoration of Postage StampsFor years we would not stock this booklet though a few used copies came in form time to time as being a Chemical Engineer I felt that it could cause more harm than good but now I think the general concepts are of value. 1976, 8th and last edition, published at $18.00, in stock at $15.00

Dictionary of English and Italian Philatelic Terms by Roy Dehn, 2004, 91 pages, card, it works in both directions, $32.50

APS Manual of Philatelic Judging edited by W. H. Bauer

Line Engraved Security Printing: the Methods of Perkins Bacon 1790 to 1935 Banknotes and Postage Stamps

by Gary Granzow

The first major work on engraving postage stamps since Jamex Baxter's 1939 book; Printing Postage Stamps by Line Engraving, Yes, it is on the nature of the engraving and not on specific stamps. An original approach to the research and understanding of line engraving on steel and the security printing it made possible. While much of the focus is on the evolution of line engraving in the UK, the findings apply to line engraving in general. Previously students have studied thousands of stamps and dated envelopes to deduce how the stamps were made and why they appear as they do. Gary has traced the development of engraving on steel, the mechanics of design transfer, hardening, inks, perforation and plate repair from 1790 to 1935 by studying primary sources and patents. Using this approach, he has made several basic discoveries and corrected a number of erroneous conclusions in the literature.

2012, 360 pages, 181 illustrations, many in color, cloth, 2012, originally published £50 plus postage of £26, reduced to , most unusual that such a book has a price reduction and we bought another quantity, $85.00

Printing Postage Stamps by Line Engraving by James Baxter A detailed study of Line Engraving, necessary for any student of engraved classics and surprisingly useful on the Typography for with the classics they started with an engraving..

Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880 by Ray Simpson & Peter Sargeant, An excellent work on the evolution of stamp perforation giving many details on the operation of the equipment and the effect of machine ware and operation on the stamps. 2007, 370 + 16 pages, from the RPSL, published at £60 plus transit but now out of print, $250.00

Foundations of Philately by Winthrop S. Boggs A good basic book on philately, not the depth of the Williams brothers Fundamentals of Philately but perhaps the best starter book, one must have the foundations before the fundamentals! 1955, 208 pages, cloth, out of print but we have new copies, $12.50

The Care and Preservation of Philatelic Materials by T.J. Collings and R.F. Schoolley-West An excellent general work from the British Library and the APS, 1990, 55 pages, cloth, long out of print, limited stock, $37.50

Curatorial Care of Works of Art on Paper by Anne F. Clapp A good work giving many technical details on preservation and restoration; it could be considered a how-to book but only for the serious student. Do read it, then you will more appreciate your professional preservation. 1987, 260 pages, card, out of print

Barbara R. Mueller

A Book of Postal History by Ernest M. Cohn A discussion on building, studying and enjoying postal history. 1988, 110 pages, card with plastic ring binding, $23.50, enquire

FIP, Guide to Exhibiting and Judging Traditional Philately and Postal History Exhibits, 1993, two card volumes, 27 and 64 pages in color

Stamp Exhibitions by the Association for Stamp Exhibitions, Inc. 1950, 189+16 pages, cloth $12.50

Showcasing Your Stamp Collection by C. E. Foster, 1978 revised edition, 116 pages, cloth, $17.50, card bound $15.00

Seminar on Exhibiting, Postal History Foundation, 1993, 44+3 pages in printed ring binder, $10.00

  • How To Arrange and Write UP A Stamp Collection by Stanley Phillips & C. F. Rang How to Prepare Stamp Exhibits by C. E. Foster, 1974, 210 pages, card, $20.00 The Philatelic Exhibitors Handbook, Edition by Randy L. Neil A good overall view on how to prepare an exhibit.

    How to Prepare Stamp Exhibits by C. E. Foster, 1974, 210 pages, card, $20.00

    Philately & The Computer by Richard Wolf and Alj Mary

    More on the utilization of computers such as the layout possibilities and what makes a good presentation than the actual use of computers. We like the work though we think the sections on both paper and Mylar are not adequate. 1994, 272 pages, card $33.50

    , 1982, 3 volume, 882 pages, cloth, cloth, $60.00

    Where in the World, an Atlas for Stamp Collectors by Kenneth A. Wood, 1983, 414 pages, cloth, $40.00

    The Stamp Atlas by W.Raife Wellsted, Stuart Rossiter & John Flower with an introduction by the APS Covers the entire world with many useful bits of information, a good reference for both an established and also a new collector. 1996, 336 pages in full color, well illustrated with maps and stamps, cloth bound with a dj, $36.50

    The Scott Stamp Atlas by Ludvik Mucha & Bohuslav Hlinka, 1987, 358 pages, cloth with dj, only one copy $20.00

    Oxford Regional Economic Atlas, The Middle East and North Africa, 1960 ,135 pages, 64 plates in color, card, only one copy $37.50

    Dr. Stanley M. Bierman

    Two books from Dr. Bierman covering the lives of the great stamp collectors and also details on how they formed there collections, much philatelic history on the rarities.

    The World's Greatest Stamp Collectors by Dr. Stanley M. Bierman

    More of the World's Greatest Stamp Collectors by Dr. Stanley M. Bierman

    Doctor of Millions by Seamus Brady, the story of the rise and fall of stamp king Dr. Paul Singer Not an auction catalog but the story of Dr. Paul Singer, the rise and fall of the Shanahans Stamp Auction of Dublin that tried to rise too high with the Maurice Burrus collection, 1965, 176 pages, card, enquire first, $42.50

    Paper Chase by Alvin F. Harlow , A most enjoyable and authorative work on philately 1940, 353 pages

    Old Post Bags by Alvin F. Harlow, 1928, 499 pages, VF condition original binding, $90.00

    The William H. Gross Collection

    United States Classics 1847-1869

    2007, 136 pages, full color, cloth with dj, $80.00

    Harlan W. Miller Philatelic Printer, A Biography by Harlan L. MillerA wonderful folksy story of a devoted Philatelic Printer that was responsible for many fine journals in the 1930-1960's such as The American Revenuer, Philatelic Literature Review, Bulletin of the Polonus Philatelic Society Kay Chief Stamp Journal and perhaps 40 more. 1965, 107 pages, printed on one side, some color, limited stock $65.00, sold out

    Blue Mauritius by Helen Morgan

    A fascinating and detailed story on the origin and philatelic history of this world rarity. Reviewed in the August, 2008 issue of the American Philatelist and also the August 9th-10th issue of the Wall Street Journal 2008, 320 pages, cloth with DJ, 2008, $35.00

    Storsamlaren Hans Lagerlöf by Erik Hamberg Hans Lagerlöf, 1880-1952, Philatelist, Lagerlöf emigrated to the US and became a world class collector, his life and collections, in Swedish but with some English, well illustrated 1996, 35 pages, card, $12.50

    Franklin D. Roosevelt: the Stamp-Collecting President by Brian C. Baur, This book covers FDR as a collector and his collections. 1999, 160 pages, cloth bound, card bound, $25.0

    Linn's Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Stamps of the United States 1933-45 by Bauer A good philatelic coverage of each stamp, background on the subject, and naturally FDR's involvement. Good historic content, well indexed. 1994, 375 pages, card, $18.50

    65 Years in Stamps, A philatelic history of the Showa Period by Nishioka Tatsuji A philatelic history of Japan, 1920s through the 1980s, first published in Japan in 1989 well illustrated, covers dealers, forgeries, rarities, etc. 1994, 136 pages, English Edition, cloth, $55.00

    The Queen's Stamps by Nicholas Courtney

    The story of the formation and continuation of The World's Greatest Stamp Collection. A beautifully book, color illustrations, but it is in no way just a "picture book" as it has much background information on both the collection and the actual stamp production. The text is well worth reading, enjoyable, informative and scholarly. Please see: Queen's Stamps 2004, 337+14 pages, cloth with dj, published £25 plus transit, $39.95, sold out

    Encyclopaedia of Rare and Famous Stamp by L. N. Williams

    Charles W. Deaton, Fifty Years of Texas Philately a Remembrance of a Stamp Dealer, 2006, 46 pages, card, a fun book for those in Texas or know Charlie, $8.95

    Stamp Boxes, Les boites à Timbres, Stamp Boxes by Brian Beet From the Musée de la Poste, Paris, a delightful book on Stamp Boxes of the World, 28 different countries, in English and French, from the utilitarian to the elegance of Fabergé, from 1854 to 1991. 199 different are cataloged. 1994, 120 pages, card, fine color illustrations, one copy available $102.50

    Stephen R. Datz

    Herman Herst Jr.

    The Philatelic Truck by James H. Bruns Farley Erra stamp collecting promotion and the source of the ever enduring Philatelic Truck souvenir sheets, well written and illustrated. 1982, 108 pages, card $12.50

    Linn's Philatelic Gems by Donna O'Keefe Two and three page articles on rare stamps and covers, well written.

    The Philatelic Fundation Seminar Series

    Blindman's Mail
    or How the Blind have been served by the Post by Garvin Fryer
    , Details of the correspondence between institutions for the blind and the Post Office 1894-1939, 42 tables of postage rates, details on the postal rates and regulations from 1898 to date. 2010, etc, 184 pages, full color, cloth, 2010, 165+12 pages, dedication page in Braille, cloth with dj, in color, limited stock, price, $60.00

    International Exhibit Catalogs

    The below Internationals are listed by country, city and year of the show. For a specific show we give the number of brochures and the price for the lot. With most internationals there are numerous brochures, these offerings are quite good and have all the main one but may not include all that were issued. Single sheets and cards are now counted as being brochures. The listings marked sold or with no price are considered reference listings and are not available at this time. We have others in stock which we have not yet listed.

    Major US Exhibit Catalogs

    Kenneth J. Kuts

    Most enjoyable and useful books covering in equal portion the philatelic and historical interest. If you have an interest in either end you will find the books delightful. They are all well written and produced in all aspects

    The History of Mail Bombs Philatelic & Historical Study by Dale Speirs

    The first recorded mail bomb was in 1764 in Denmark. A mail bomb is known from 1881 in Australia, and in 1895 a letter bomb was sent to Baron de Rothschild in France, which exploded when he opened it. Letter bombs and package bombs continue to date. 2010, 128 page card, 60 pages in color, sold out

    Alaska, Nome Gold by Kenneth J. Kutz The book contains 129 fascinating letters between a young man trying to make his fortune in the gold fields and his sweetheart in St Louis, virtually all of the postal markings are illustrated as halftones. 1991, 240 pages, cloth with DJ, edition of 600, $32.50

    California, Gold Fever by Ken Kutz Not really a California book but it evidently has a place here. A history of gold from the mid 1850's, many illustrations of covers, a rarity guide. 1987, 400 pages, cloth with dj, 600 illustrations in color, $75.00

    California Gold by Kenneth J. Kutz 1994, 253 pages, leather, edition of 50, limited stock please enquire, $65.00

    Black Gold The Gold of the Hydrocarbon; the story of Oil, World Wide 1995, 304 pages, leather, edition of 50, $50.00

    Untold Wealth, Canada's Mineral Heritage The Mineral Wealth of Canada; Gold, Copper, Coal, Lead, Tin, etc. 1998, 380 pages, cloth with dj, $50.00

    Klondike Gold Gold on the Canadian Side of the Klondike 1996, 272 pages, cloth with dj, $45.00, card $30.00

    Victoria Gold The Gold Fields of Australia 1993, 240 pages, cloth with dj, sold out

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    Philatelic Bibliopole

    PO Box 36006, Louisville, Ky 40233, USA

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  • Phone 502, 451-0317, but it is best to e-mail