The Mail of the A.E.F, Amercian Expeditionary Forces 1917-1921, by Hennen M. Sanford, 1940, APS handbook, 1956 pages, cloth, $47.50
The 27 chapters range on the Cuban side, from Military History, Cuban Postal Systems in and out of the Island, and Impact on Civilians; on the Spanish side, from Mail from Spanish Soldiers, Sailors, Military Posts, Military Hospitals and POW's, Spanish Patriotic Labels, Interrupted Mails, and Blockade Mail; and on the U.S. side from Mail from all the Military Camps in the United States, Patriotic Covers and Labels, Wartime Correspondence
Mail from American Soldiers, Sailors, Military Hospitals, Military Postal Stations in Cuba, their Postal Markings and Mail Categories, Military Camps in Cuba, Local Provisional Stamp Issues, Official Mail Envelopes, and the Postal Issues of 1899-1902. All three sides, Cuban, Spanish and American, are well covered; Postal Markings, Stamps, Labels, Maps, Documents, Photographs, Tables, etc. A detailed table of contents and a extensive index with listing: cities, army camps, ships, etc. 2019, 752 pages,1,600 illustrations, full color; cloth with DJ. Covers, bound in Buckram with gold stamping and a dust jacket. To a US mailing address $90.00 + $7.50 postage = $97.50
Alaska, Postmarks of Territorial Alaska, Fourth, Revised Edition by Michael Senta M.D. This is
the 4th edition however the first since Bill Helbock published the 3rd in 1986, 11 towns with no previous
recorded postmarks, 364 new town types and 1,659 changes in earliest and or latest known usages, the maps, etc. from
the 3rd edition are not included. 2020, 186 pages, spiral binding, $42.00
by Oscar Thomas
The only comprehensive coverage of the subject, Included with each set of books is a DVD with over 4500 scans of western covers, 2013, two volumes, 900, full color, cloth, edition of 300 copies, $250.00
Indian Territory Mail by Gaspare Signorelli & Tom J. Caldwell The standard book on the subject. 1966, about 170 pages, published in screw posts, one copy available, $165.00
US Rating Markings by Frank Mandel, 96 page article in the 1985 APC book, cloth, $25.00
Identification of Postmark Types Produced from Handstamps made by Edmond S. Zevely, 1850-1861, A 42 pages article in the 1987 APC book, cloth $25.00
The First Hundred Years of US Territorial Postmarks 1787-1887 by Dr. Carroll Chase & Richard Mc P. Cabeen 1980 reprint of 1950 book, 341 pages, cloth, $40.00
C.S.A. Stampless Cover Catalog by Benjamin Wishnietsky ss Cover Catalog by Benjamin Wishnietsky 1980, 1st and only separate edition, 100 pages, card
The volumes proceeding the current American Stampless Cover Catalog by Nort Sampson, Harry Konwiser and others are normally in stock and are of value to the serious collector. The prices listed in these catalogs are of little consequence with respect to real covers however the relative catalog prices over the years and the issue in which a marking first appeared are. Some markings previously listed are not in the current catalog, some deletions such as errors or forged markings are proper but others such as the more common manuscript are not.
American Stampless Cover Catalog by E. N. Sampson
United States Stampless Cover Catalog by Harry M. Konwiser Though dated some sections are still the best in-print.
The Forwarding of Mail by the U.S. Post Office Department, 1792-2001 by Anthony S. Wawrukiewicz 2001, 230+8 pages+8 color plates, A fine study and well presented, cloth, $45.00
Simpson's U.S. Postal Markings 1851-61 by Thomas J. Alexander The basic work on U.S. postal markings of the 1850's. A complete re-written and major expansion from the 1959 book, out of print. 1980, 448 pages, cloth, a key book on 19th century U.S. covers, new $82.00
U.S. Postal Markings and Related Mail Services 1851-1861 by T. Simpson Tracy Simpson's original book, still a fine classic and most useful.
Handstamps of Wells, Fargo & Co. 1852-1895 by J. F. Leutzinger The 1993 edition is completely revised from the 1968 one however the basic format and numbering system has been retained.
United States Post Offices by Richard W. Helbock Arranged in alphabetical order giving the County, State, Year of Operation and a Scarcity Rating, a handy format for finding states.
The Postal History of Indiana by J. David Baker The definitive work on Indiana and a fine guide for any state. Useful and enjoyable for both the collector and the scholar. 1976, two volumes, 1,100 pages plus microfiche, cloth, edition 750, $75.00
The Express Mail of 1836-1839 by Dr. James W. Milgram An exceptional book on this intriguing service and the covers. 1977, 214 pages, cloth, slip case, enquire first, $185.00 1977, 214 pages, cloth, no slip case, enquire first $165.00
United States Registered Mail 1845-1870 by James W. Milgram Detailed coverage of unofficial registration from 1845 to 1855 and the official system to 1870, listing of 150 handstamped registered mail markings, a coverage of the relation of the US registered system to services in other countries.
History of the Free Franking of Mail in the United States by Edward Stern 1936, 236+8 pages, with both Collectors Club of NY supplements
Free Franks and Autographs of the War Department and the Army 1789-1860 by Hinds A good first effort, a useful compilation of franks and autographs, dates of service, prices 1994, 76 pages, card $13.50
Anecdotes About 101 Distinguished Americans by Theodore A. Stevens, 1964, free franked covers with a story about each person, $65.00
Postal Markings of United States Expositions by William J. Bomar The postal markings, covers, cards, and a few additional items along with brief sketches of 54 expositions from the 1853 New York Crystal Palace to the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition. 1986, 218 pages, cloth, sold
The New Herst-Sampson Catalog, A Guide to 19th Century United States Postmarks and Cancellations by Kenneth L. Gilman Not really a "new Herst-Sampson" but more like a companion volume; the original H-S, ie H-Z, ie Z, was mostly fancy cancellations but this volume has much on the postmarks, ie CDS's., with rarity factors. The cloth edition is out of print but from time to time a copy will come in, 1989, 218 pages, cloth when available $40.00, card $22.50
The United States 1¢ Franklin 1861-1867, and an Introduction to the Postal
History of the Period by Don L. Evans with contributions from C. W. Bert Christian
All facets from postal history through the proofs and premieres gravures. A major work on a Classic US Stamp in addition to the Postal History.
United States Cancellations 1845-1869 by H. C. Skinner & Amos Eno Though not copied from the Herst-Sampson in essence this book is an expansion of it. 1980, 362 pages, cloth or leather as available when available, $85.00, enquire
19th Century United States Fancy Cancellations by Zareski - Herst - Sampson The original "fancy cancel" book, still frequently referred to.
The 1869 Issue on Cover: A Census and Analysis by Jonathan W. Rose and Richard M. Searing. A most useful book, a census of all known covers except the 1, 2 and 3¢ issues which have an analysis. 1986, 223, 22 pages in color, cloth with dj, $70.00
U.S. Cancels 1890-1900 by Sol Salkind Mostly from the 2¢ Red, arranged by subject with reference numbers. 1985, 128 pages, card, $16.50
The Foreign Mail Cancellations of New York City, 1870-1878 by William R. Weiss Jr. A comprehensive study that list over 200 markings and 2,000 individual covers, many stamps and covers are illustrated full size with extremely fine quality halftone cuts. Well printed and on heavy enameled paper. We consider this work a basic study and a good value. 1991, 509 pages plus price guide , cloth, edition of 500, enquire first $150.00
New York Foreign Mail Cancellations 1870-1876 by van Vlissingen and Waud
New York, Star Cancels of New York State by Dave Proulx Seventy basic types, illustrated and listed by town, used 1860 - 1900. 1987, 36 pages, card, second printing, edition 100 copies, $12.50
Postal Markings by Harry M. Konwiser A reprint of Konwiser's "Postal Markings" columns from STAMPS magazine from 1933 through 1954. A fascinating "source" book for study as much of this has not been examined in years. 1980, 762 pages, cloth $70.00
American Philatelic Miscellany by Susan M. McDonald Reprint of all U.S. articles from the STAMP SPECIALIST. These articles date from the 1940's they are all first rate and most useful. 1976, 569 pages, cloth, useful, used $30.00, new $45.00
Mourning Covers: The Cultural and Postal History of Letters Edged in Black by Ernest A. Mosher, a major work as to US postal history and the subject matter, 12 + 341 pages, card and cloth binding produced, sold
The Post Office Mail Sent Across the LInes at the Start of the American Civil War, May to July 1861 by Steven C. Walske An excellent new coverage of the Mails Suspensions, Railroad Mail Routes through Virginia, Railroad Mail Routes through Tennessee, Tennessee-Kentucky Mails after June 12th,. Distributed at no charge compliments of the author to USPCS and CSA members. Free to our regular customers if they are not a member of either society, with an order. 2003, 36 pages in full color, card, $5.00
Sanitary Fairs by Alvin and Marjorie Kantor A Philatelic and Historical Study of Civil War Benevolences A beautifully produced book of great interest to any collector of American Civil War or Charity material. Each fair is individually covered with respect to both the philatelic and historic aspects, many illustrations of the known stamps, covers and proofs, also the fantasies, the plating of the stamps is not covered. 1992, 304 pages, 16 pages in full color, cloth, $45.00
Via Panama by Col. James T. DeVoss This book consist of reproductions of Col. DeVoss's album pages along with articles, notes and a good index. The definitive work for Via Panama collector. The original, 100 copies, each autographed. We understand pirated xerox copies exist. 1978, 820 pages of which 410 are printed, cloth, $175.00
Nicaragua Route by David I. Folkman, Jr. A superb study of the Isthmian Route for 1848-1869 including ship sailings from New York and New Orleans for Nicaragua and the return; ie. a short route to and from the California gold fields. 1976 printing of 1972 book, 185 pages, limited stock of both, card $32.50, cloth $55.00
American Postal Markings, From Colonial Times to the 1850's, The Unexibited Exhibit of Royden H. Lounsbery, exhibit pages have been printed in color. 1983, 144 single sided pages, about 298 in all, cloth, $110.00
Peltz Collection of Albany Postal History, The Hudson River Mail, 1804-1858 by Kenneth R. de Lisle 1969, 59 pages, card, edition of 500, $22.50
United States Postal History Sampler by Richard B. Graham A compilation and sampler of Dick's columns from Linn's, arranged into book format and updated, a fine volume for the serious and casual collector, and an enjoyable book for anyone with an interest in history. Contains a listing of all columns through 1991, highly recommended. 1992, 192 pages, 153 markings, 131 halftones cloth $35.00, card, $17.00
Cyclopedia of U.S. Postmarks and Postal History by Delf Norona
The U.S. Postage Stamp, 1842-1869 by Rohrbach and Newman An interesting general work on both the stamps and covers which is enjoyable to read but is unfortunately marred by a few evident errors of fact, the Smithsonian Institution Press. 1984, 160 pages, 95 illustrations, cloth, $30.00
A Comprehensive Checklist of Earliest Known Usages, Earliest Documented Covers, of U.S. Stamps 1847-1931 from the APS by by Siskin, Lawrence, etc. 1998, 40 pages, card, $6.00
Morality and the Mail in Nineteenth Century America by Wayne E. Fuller, 2003, 264 pages, cloth with dj, from the University of Illinois Press, a scholarly treatment, Fuller's last book, detailed coverage on the delivery of mail on Sunday, the Paperback rate controversy, Lottery and morality aspects, a most enjoyable and informative book to read for the postal historian, limited edition, $40.00.
The American Mail, Enlarger of the Common Life by Wayne E. Fuller, 1972, 378 pages, cloth with dj, $37.50
Letters of Gold by Jesse L. Coburn A fine mixture of history and philately, perhaps too much history but still of tremendous value to the student and collector. 1984, 399 pages, about 1100 illustrations, cloth, recommended, $35.00
Gold Fever by Ken Kutz History of gold from the mid 1850's to date, many illustrations of covers, also a rarity guide, an enjoyable work. 1987, 400 pages, cloth, 600 illustrations in color $75.00
The Overland Mail, 1849-1869 by Le Roy R. Hafen A classic book on the overland express companies, most useful. 1977 reprint of 1926 book, 361 pages, cloth
Washington, D.C. Dead Letter Office to 1920 by Thomas R. Wegner Starts about 1860 when information became available, 18 chapters with 281 illustrations of covers, documents, markings and watermarks. The binding of this book is such that pages are expected to fall out in all copies. 1994, 158 pages, softbound $35.00, sold
Military Mail and Civil War Patriotic Covers Used in Missouri by Schultz and Parker A fine Civil War coverage of Missouri, well illustrated. 1995, 95 pages, card La Posta Monograph, $16.00
U.S. Rating Marks, A Selection of Unusual and Fancy Handstamped Markings, With Emphasis on the Domestic Uses, Stampless through Banknote Period by Frank Mandel. A 95 page article in the 1985 APC book. 1985, 222 pages, cloth $22.50
Zevely, Identification of Postmark Types Produced from Handstamps Made by Edmond S. Zevely, 1850-1861 by Frank Mandel. A 41 page article in the 1987 APC book, 188 pages, cloth $22.50
National Political Convention Tickets and Other Convention Ephemera by E. Krohn From the 1860's to date, the tickets were well produced by the leading Banknote Engravers and Printers of the day.. This book should be useful in tying the various political covers together as there is little philatelic material in print beyond Jim Milgram's books that only go to 1872. 1996, 200 pages, card, $20.00
Though written on the Federal Side there is much Confederate Interest. 2009, 408 pages, cloth, in full color, $90.00
Presidential Campaign Illustrated Envelopes and Letter Paper, 1840-1872 by J. W. Milgram An important work of both philatelic and historic significance, over 400 illustrations. 1995, 263 pages, cloth $42.50
Abraham Lincoln Illustrated Envelopes and Letter Sheets, 1860 - 1865 by J. W. Milgram Most comprehensive and extremely well illustrated, much related material covering Slavery, the Confederacy, and Lincoln before and after the 1860 - 1865 period, enjoyable.1984, 272 pages, cloth, $30.00
2010, 192 pages, 181 color plates, cloth with dj, $36.95
The Catalog of Union Civil War Patriotic Covers by William R. Weiss Jr. The first comprehensive work since the Walcott Catalog in 1934 and is most welcome, Robert Grant's work in the 1970's never progressed beyond the first volume. A large volume that tips the scale at 7 lbs, the illustrations are surprisingly well done. For each listing we have: a new catalog number, the color of the design, color of envelope, imprint, verse, the Walcott listing, and a few notes. Over 6,400 listings with over 5,000 illustrations and 2,942 verses. 1995, 839 pages, cloth, 1997, 16 page pricing guide, $125.00
The Chambers Family and Their Postmarking Devices by Dr. F. R. Scheer A 30 page article in the 1994 APC book, 185 pages, cloth, $35.00
U.S.A. Consular Post Office in Japan by John & Sheila Riddell Circa 1972, 12 pages, paper, a fine study of the covers, $10.00
Postal Markings of the United States 1847-1851 by Mannel Hahn, contains the 1847-1851 stamp distributin by states, 1938, 42 pages, card, $22.50
Illustrated Directory of New Jersey 1847 Issue Covers by Brad Arch
Michigan Postal Markings by Maurice F. Cole, 1955, 193+8+6 pages, card, one copy available autographe, $42.50
Railroad Postmarks 1861-1886 by C. L. Towle & Henry A. Meyer Still the best general work on the period. 1968, 379 pages, cloth $110.00
U.S. Route & Station Agent Postmarks by Charles L. Towle This volume completely replaces Vol 1 of the US Transit Markings Catalog, Covers 1,569 railway route agents and 184 waterway agents postmarks, etc.
Historical Supplement to U.S. Route & Station Agent Postmarks A major addition to the book, sketch of the Roads along with maps. 1986, 124 pages, spiral bound, sold
Postal Markings of U.S. Waterway Routes 1839-1997 by Fred Mac Donald, incorporating research by Charles L. Towle, Henry A. Meyer, John Kay, 1997, 176+15 pages, cloth with dj, $67.50
Waterway Railway Post Offices of the United States by Towle and Kay The 228 Waterway routes and listing the 196 recorded postmarks are detailed. After 1882, Waterway routes had the same RPO designation as the Railroad. 1987, 32 pages, card, edition of 500 copies. $10.00
The Pony Express by M.C. Nathan and W.S. BoggsThe history of the service and a plating of the adhesive stamps, 1962, 108 pages, cloth, $165.00
The Pony Express, A Postal History, by Richard Frajola, George Kramer and Steven Walske, Census of all recorded Pony covers, complete trip listings, details of postal and historical operations, detailed maps, most known covers are illustrated, 2005, 176 page, mostly in color, cloth, $45.00
The Horse-Drawn Mail by James H. Bruns 1996, 89 pages, card, $25.00
Collection & Distribution Wagon Service 1896-1904 by James H. Bruns An experimental service in the 1890's in which mail was sorted as it was collected in wagons functioning like railway mail cars. 1986, 56 pages, card $10.00
The Waterbury Cancellations 1865-1890 by Paul Rohloff & Alfred Diamond
2006, 576p plus 8-page color section, cloth with dj, $75.00
Chicago's Crabgrass Communities by Dr. Harvey M. Karlen The 19th Century towns surrounding Chicago which the city eventually encompassed, for a period they continued to operated independent of the Chicago PO though they were within the Chicago City Limits. Eventually they lost their independent status but in many cases the names remain as familiar neighborhoods: Hyde Park, Lake View, Calumet, Cicero, etc. 1992, 384+10 pages, 300 illustrations, cloth bound $65.00
Chicago Blue Postal Markings, 1870 - 1877 by Paul K. Berg A useful reference for the specialist but of little use to the general collector, take care in handling as the perfect binding is too light. 1992, 252 pages, card bound, edition of 350, $50.00
Chicago's Mail, An anthology of postal history articles focusing upon the community's growth, it's interests, and its attitudes by Harvey M. Karlen,
The text is first rate but the illustrations are not as one would expect from the CCC, this was realized thus the printing was the lowest of any CCC book. A collection of mostly previously published articles from the pre-Post Office period through the Chicago Perforations and the Civil War to the Century of Progress, it is quite useful to the collector and has some suprising information. 2002, over 276 pages, cloth bound, limited stock, $82.50
Cancellations of Waterbury 1865-1890 by Mannel Hahn 1940, 31 numbered pages, card [limited stock] $30.00
19th Century Cleveland, Ohio Postal Markings by the Garfield Perry Stamp Club A fine work from the first manuscript marking in 1804 to machines in 1899; rate markings, fancy, patent, advertised, missent, registered etc. through carriers and express labels. Our only objection is that this work deserves a proper title page. A fine city study with value for any local collector. 1991, 128 pages, card, edition 500, $27.50
California, San Francisco Postal Markings, 1847-1900 by John Mahoney 1992, 124 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 8, $32.50, soldout
Postal History of Louisville, Kentucky by Louis Cohen 1987, 77 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 1, $15.00
Colorado Illustrated Covers by Kenneth Segerstrom 1989, 104 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 3, $12.00
Preterritorial Colorado Postal History by Daniel Y. Meschter The Overland Mails, Pike's Peak mail and other private expresses. 1994, 98 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 10, $16.00
New York, Count and Postmaster Cancels of New York State 1990, 44 pages, card, edition of 300 copies, $10.00
The Black Jack in Vermont by Durward Mommsen A fine monograph covering just about everything per the title. 1991, 72 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 7, $16.00
Florida Stampless Postal History 1763-1861 by Florida Postal History Society A brief history of each town, all postmasters, compensation and receipts, establishment and discontinuances dates, Seminole War forts and camps, stampless markings, quantity known of each, listings also include markings known only in archives, extremely useful. 1999, 311 pages, card, $42.50
Massachusetts, Boston Postmarks to 1890 by M. C. Blake & W. W. Davis Important for Colonial, 19th century U.S. and Maritime collectors in addition to those interested in Boston and Massachusetts.
The New Haven Beehive by Arthur J. Warmsley 1982, 28 pages, card, interesting story, well printed $17.50
Doane - Thompson Catalog of US County & Postmaster Postmarks by K. Gilman Markings containing the County name or the Postmaster's name, mostly 1880's. A fine continuation of the earlier works with hundreds of additions, 4,500+ listings 1990, 238 pages, cloth, $52.50 1990, 238 pages, card, $25.00
U.S. County and Postmaster Postmarks by Edith R. Doane
Encyclopedia of R.F.D. Cancels by Harold E. Richow
County System of R.F.D. Dec 20, 1899-June 30, 1903 by Edith Doane A fine study covering the first experimental service. 1977, 199 pages, cloth $28.50
Doanes by Richard W. Helbock The work prior to the above, a priced catalogs listing 100's of these handstamped rubber markings, named for Edith Doane,
U.S. Parcel Post, A History by Henry M. Gobie A fine book on both the stamps and postal history. 1979, 256 pages, paper case binding, limited stock, $50.00
The Speedy, A History of U.S. Special Delivery Service by Henry M. Gobie. 1976, 296 pages, paper case binding, limited stock, $70.00
Walter D. Wesson's "Time on Bottom" Duplex Hand Cancelers by Theodore Bozarth and Russell Hanmer 1990, 48 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 5, $12.00
Charlemagne Tower: American Entrepreneur by Robert G. Metcalf Postal Relics of a 19th Century Business Career. A 33 page article in the 1989 APC book, 187 pages, cloth $22.50
Loso and deWindt's 20th Century United States Fancy Cancellations Revised by H. R. Fishback and W. C. Walker
Postmarks on Postcards, An Illustrated Guide to Early 20th Century U.S. Postmarks by Richard W. Helbock US postmarks and cover collecting for the 1900 - 1920 period, Detailing the various marking types, their use and some indication of collector interest.
Prexie Postal History by Richard W. Helbock 1938 Presidential Series, postal history including overseas airmail 1988, 100 pages, card $20.00
Labor Struggle in the Post Office from Selective Lobbying to Collective Bargaining by John Walsh and Garth Mangum 1992, 271 pages, cloth with dj, limited stock, a few remaining, $25.00
Postal Markings of the Canal Zone by Lawson P. Entwistle Each marking is detailed and illustrated, marking devices are shown, a plastic angular gauge is provided giving 10° spacing to measure markings. 1982, 1st edition, 262 pages, card, limited stock, $10.00 1992, 2nd edition, 328 pages, card, $20.00
An excellent book on the Polar Postal History, 69 illustrations in color, 46 in black and white 25 paintings etc. photographs, 11 maps, others 336, in all 476 illustrations. Well reviewed in the Collectors club Philatelist this year based on the Italian edition.
The Post Office Seals of the United States, Vol. One, The Regular Issues by Adam Perkal and Seymour Kazman Covers regular seals from 1872, complete with catalog and pricing guide. 1984, 160 pages, 100 illustrations, cloth sewn signatures, $45.00
United States Promotional Slogan Cancellations 1899-1940 dedicated to Robert J. Payne by Bart Billings Vol 1 contains the Slogan Listing from A (Address Detroit Mail) to N (National Export) and Vol 2 finishes the listing and also has a section on the Philippine slogans. 2006, 2nd printing, 2 volumes, 398 pages 1.000+ illustrations, tape bound with acetate cover overlay, $52.50, sold
A Price Guide to U.S. APO Cancels of Second WW by J. Forte & R. Helbock A convenient pocket reference as to the locations, period and rarity. 1996, 140 pages, card $16.00
War Dates by Theo Van Dam, War Dates 1911-1950 One line descriptions of important events by Country and Date for 138 countries, about 1,250 dates in all. A useful compilation. 1993, 80 pages, plastic spiral binding $19.50
Beyond War Dates and More! 1911-1950 by Theo Van Dam A companion volume to War Dates, expanding and correcting, some maps 1994, 90 pages, plastic spiral binding, out of print
The Postal History of the AEF, 1917-1923 by Theo. Van Dam For the first time we are pleased to add the second edition of Theo. Van Dam's fine AEF book to stock. A significant expansion of the 1980 edition covering Western Europe, Russia, Siberia, Marines, Censorship, Milan, patriotic, valuations.
US Postal Agency in Shanghai, China 1867 to 1922, Geroge Fisher, Richard C. Frajola, Confidential Bid Auction #1, March 21, 1998, $45.00
The Suspension of United States Mail to Switzerland 1942 to 1944/1945 by Charles J. LaBlonde, This also has much good Canadian information and illustrates some Canadian covers, 2006, 84 pages, spiral bound
World War II Mail from Switzerland to Great Britain, Canada and the USA - A Postal History Handbook by Charles J. LaBlonde, 2003, 222 pages with 231 illustrations, spiral bound, out of print but we have a small stock
The Postal History of the World War II Mail Between New Zealand and Switzerland by Robin Startup and Charles LaBlonde, Contains much GB Archive material, as well as NZ, Swiss and Red Cross archival, extensive bibliography, 2005, 130 pages, card, $27.50
Roosevelt, De Gaulle and the Posts by D. M. Giangreco Franco-American War Relations Viewed Through Their Effects on the French Postal System, 1942-1944. The background behind the RF overprints. 1988, 192 pages, card, 100 illustrations including covers $15.00
Postal History of American POW's: World War II, Korea, Vietnam
by Norman Gruenzner, A fine companion volume to the above.
1979, 138 pages, one page corrigenda, paper case, $26.50
Censorship of International Civilian Mail During World War II by Steven M. Roth The History, Structure and Operation of the US Office of Censorship. A superb study of the system and operation, some markings are illustrated. 1991, 104 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 6, $45.00, sold out but enquire
A Postal History, Cancellation Study of the U.S. Pacific Islands (including the Trust Territories) by Robert T. Murphy A detailed study of the markings with good historical background.
by Lawrence Sherman
The 1951 PO document titled "A Wartime History of the Post Office Department" with the addition of 300 illustrations and commentaries by today's postal historians. Another Collectors Club of Chicago title to go out of print quickly and this is again a quite limited edition, it will go out of print quickly. 2002, 530 pages, cloth, $75.00
Lawrence Sherman This new edition is in full cover and list over 11,060 cachets versus 9,660 in the first edition
New Chapters
Passed By Army Censor By Richard W. Helbock, A catalog of censor markings used on mail from American soldiers and War Department civilians assigned overseas in 1941 and 1942. There are 18 chapters in all and they are organized chronologically and geographically. All Army operations throughout the world are covered. The last chapter deals with Operation Torch (the invasion of North Africa) which involved nearly 200 thousand servicemen and was a turning point in the war in Europe. Well illustrated with covers and markings. 2006, 256p, cloth, $75.00
Intercepted in Bermuda, The Censorship of Transatlantic Mail during the Second World War by Peter A. Flynn Bermuda was the main point for censorship of mail going by air or ship between the Americas and Europe. There is much history on the service with a listing of the arrival and departure of planes from May 1939 through December 1945. The data base recording over 7,900 covers has permitted a detailed listing of the markings and there usage, the tapes, examiners, earliest and latest usages by examiner number, etc. Another limited edition book from the Collectors Club of Chicago, 2006, 235 pages, cloth, sold
Undercover Addresses of World War II, Revised Edition, C. R and A. M. Entwistle. This work covers mailing addresses that permitted communication between the Axis powers and the Allies and also to conceal the identity and or location of those involved. Many things used such addresses such as the Box numbers for the Manhattan Project, addresses on mail from the Netherlands to Portugal to be sent to London, etc. etc.
Handbook, US Postal Markings Impressed by Machine by Bart Billings, 1991, about 80 pages, plastic $12.50
US Classic Machine Cancels 1871-1991 by Bob Payne, 1995, two volumes. 394 pages, plastic, $60.00
George Ezra Barnard Patents and Applications by Bart Billings, ie. Machine Cancels, 1989, 20 pages, plastic, $11.00
International Service Markings, 1889-1980, 70 pages, plastic, 1999, $20.00, sold
Potter and Vail, The Machines and Postal Markings attributed to Gideon Potter and Edward M. Vail by Jack Hilbing, 1998, 82 + 4 + 10 pages, plastic, $15.00
First Day and Early Use, Boston Flag Cancellations, Oct - Dec 1894, by Samuel Ockun, 2000, 16 pages, plastic, $12.50
An Introduction to US Flats Machine Cancels by John R. Becker III, 1996, 40 pages, plastic, $16.50
The Time Marking Machine Co. and the B.F. Cummins Co by Louis Geschwinder, Reg Morris and John Koontz, 1982, about 60 pages, plastic $20.00, sold
Anthology of Machine Postal Markings
Barry Story, by Reg Morris & Robert J. Payne, 3 volumes, 1988-1989, perfect bound with limp vinyl covers, $120.00, sold
The Potter and Vail Machine Cancels by Jack Hilbing Experimental machines used from 1896 through 1900 in Kewanee, Galesbury, Canton and Chicago, all in Illinois. 1987, 71 pages, card $15.00 Flag Cancel Encyclopedia by Frederick Langford, 2008, 160 pages + 3 pages, $80.00, enquire
Development and Use of Flag Cancellations 1894-1941 by Robert Payne, 2001, 464 pages, plastic $55.00
Flag Cancel Society, A Compendium, Cacheted Covers with Flag Cancellations, 2nd ed, 1984, 41 pages, plastic, $10.00
Same Year Use of Different Flag Cancellation Dies by Bart Billings, 1991, 134 pages, plastic $16.50
Groth-Constantine Machine and Postal Markings by Reg Morris & Robert J. Payne, 1989, 95 + 6 pages, plastic $22.50
United States Postal Slogan Cancel Catalog by Moe Luff, revised 1975 edition, 128 pages, plastic, $10.00
Doremus Machine Cancels by Frederick Langford,
Thomas Leavitt, His History and Postal Markings, 1875-1892 by Robert J. Payne, The first machine cancellation, used in 29 cities with major usages in Boston and New York, about 375 illustrations, 2000, 342 pages, cloth, $47.50
Leavitt Machine Cancellations by Frank B. Stratton, 1976, 48 pages, card, used $12.50, new $21.50
American Machine Cancels by Reg Morris,
The Multipost Company, History, Machine and Markings by Reg Morris, Robert Payne & Timothy B. Holmes, 1997, 92 pages, plastic $22.50
One Number System for Boson, by Bart Billings, 1994, 69 + 6 page addenda, plastic $14.50
Introduction to Florida Machine Cancels by Bart Billings, 1989, 14 pages, stapled, $10.000
Universal Stamping Machine Co. Machines & Postal Markings 1909-1920, 1988, about 200 pages, $25.00, sold
Rapid Canceling Machines, Manufacturers and Impressions by K.F. & V.LM Olson, Handbook No. 1, 1946, 31 pages, card, $12.50
International Machine Cancels 1888 to 1910 by Arthur H. Bond, 1974, 48 pages, plastic, 17.50, sold
Les Oblitératins Mécaniques de Belgique de 1905 a 1920 by René Silverberg Belgium Machine cancellations, well illustrated, 1988, 125 pages, card, French $22.50
Early German Machines, Part 1 - "Fisher and Maas" by Reg Morris, 1979, $11.50
From Hinrichsen to Krag: the Experimental and Early Machine Postmarks of Germany (1866 until 1906), Handbook and Catalog by Jerry H. Miller 2008, 152 Pages, Over 225 Colored Illustrations, English and German Text, cloth, limited edition, $68.00
The International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog by Joel A. Hawkins & Richard Stambaugh, For details see: Meters, 2005, 1240 pages, card, UK - Continent price is £65 or €95, US delivery $96.00, enquire first
The Postal Markings and Postal History of The Forwarding Agents by Ken Rowe The 1996 edition is a complete updating containing 400 changes in listings and 1,200 new agents, 80 more cities. We have a search file to find agents if you do not know the city or the marking is incomplete, it is on the INTERNET through our home page at or on a disk with the book. The 1984 edition contains a listing by 1st surname which is not in the 1996 one as it is replaced by the computer. For more information on the Forwarding Agents The introductory material and illustrations for the 1984 and 1996 editions are completely different thus one may well want both.
The Development of European Forwarding Agents by Patrick Frost The Corsini and Venturini archive finds, not in 1984 Rowe FA book. 1987, 16 pages, self cover, $15.00
Historical Letters to Gratious Street, London 1570 - 1601 by Robson Lowe
Letters are from all over Europe, 3rd find of the Corsini correspondence.
A readable and enjoyable account, good historical background.
1988, 44 pages, card, $22.50
London Coffee Houses by Bryant Lillywhite, 1963, 858 pages, cloth with dj, $235.00, sold