The fourth classification, Place Names, is new to many philatelists. These volumes are normally of non-philatelic origin and usually give the post office name along with a brief history, location and often establishment and discontinuance dates. These volumes are proving to be of great value. Most Place Name volumes are published by State Universities and Historical Societies and are often difficult for us to locate, if you know of one that we don't list please drop us a line.
The mail contracts normally have the individual stops and dates thus one may be able to bracket in time when a specific station was in use.
This book runs 1,096 pages. in full color, hard bound, dust jacket, illustrates 242 covers, 582 maps and 360 other images. A DVD is included containing over 800 covers many are not illustrated in the book, PMG annual reports and other reports to Congress between 1817 and 1878, these run about 10,000 pages. Also included are images of the manuscript Railroad Contracts by States, 6,773 in all. We think these contracts have never been reproduced before.
Additional philatelic information is presented through the many covers included in the text that were carried by railroads in each respective states. These are described in detail and the appropriate references are included to assist philatelists in their research.
Published at $97.50 plus postage, postpaid to a U.S. mailing address, $107.50, postage to other countries is the published price of $97.50 plus actual postage,
postage to Canada is $45.95 and to Mexico and most other countries $66.50.
The only comprehensive coverage of the subject, Included with each set of books is a DVD with over 4500 scans of western covers, 2013, two volumes, 900, full color, cloth, edition of 300 copies, $250.00, sold out
United States Post Offices by Richard W. Helbock The set is now complete, arranged in alphabetical order giving the County, State, Year of Operation and a Scarcity Rating, a handy format for finding states. Sorry on these please enquire, limited stock
American Stampless Cover Catalog The general listing of stampless markings by State including Colonial, Territorial, US Possessions and Unorganized Territories from the early 1700's to about 1870. It is also applicable to early stamped covers, a fine information and pricing guide. Softbound editions are not recommended and may or may not be in stocked.
Indian Placenames in America, Vol 1: Cities, Towns and Villages by Sandy Nestor Indian names often indicate Indian origin and are thus of special interest, arranged by state, much background information on the place and some illustrations. 2003, 240+8 pages, cloth, $45.00
Alabama, Place Names in Alabama by Virginia O. Foscue Well written, more county information than most, useful. 1989, 175 pages, card, $27.50
Alabama, Indian Place Names in Alabama by William A. Reed from the University of Alabama and seems to be a more recent printing than 1984 but we can't find an indication and it is a short discount title, 1984, 107 pages, card, $32.50
Alabama, Organization of the Confederate Post Office Department at Montgomery by Peter A. Brannon Mostly a CSA history of Montgomery from the Brannon collection. 1960, 166 pages, cloth $40.00
Alabama, J. H. Scruggs booklets, circa 1954
Alaska, Postmarks of Territorial Alaska, Fourth, Revised Edition by Michael Senta M.D. This is
the 4th edition however the first since Bill Helbock published the 3rd in 1986, 11 towns with no previous
recorded postmarks, 364 new town types and 1,659 changes in earliest and or latest known usages, the maps, etc. from
the 3rd edition are not included. 2020, 186 pages, spiral binding, $42.00
Alaska, Postmarks of Territorial Alaska by Dr. R. W. Helbock
Alaska, 120 Years of Alaska Postmasters 1867-1987 by Ora B. Dickerson Listing of PO giving all postmasters and appointment dates plus a few notes, zip codes of current offices, etc. 1989, 76 pages, card, edition of 500, $22.50
Alaska, Postmarked Alaska, A Saga of Early Alaska by Cavagnol The basic book of Alaska postal history. 1957, 107 pages, an out print from GOSSIP, cloth, $80.00
Alaska, Military Postmarks of Territorial Alaska by Dr. R. W. Helbock 1977, 197 pages, spiral bound, edition of 300 and not 400, enquire first, $62.50
Alaska, Naval Postmarks of Territorial Alaska by Dr. R. W. Helbock 1978, 266 pages, spiral bound, edition of 300, limited stock, $52.50
Alaska, Nome Gold by Kenneth J. Kutz The book contains 129 fascinating letters between a young man trying to make his fortune in the gold fields and his sweetheart in St Louis, virtually all of the postal markings are illustrated as halftones. 1991, 240 pages, cloth, edition of 600, $35.00
Arizona Place Names by Will Croft Barnes revised by Byrd Granger A most useful place name work. 1985, 519 pages, card, $22.50
Arizona, The Territorial Post Offices of Arizona by Sheldon H. Dike na, The Territorial Post Offices of Arizona by Sheldon H. Dike 1958, 32 pages plus errata, card, $7.50
Arizona Territorial Postmark Catalog by Dr. Owen H. Kriege
Arizona Post Offices by A. H. Patera and J. G. Gallagher In this volume Patera & Gallagher gives much more information than in the past, often the location and in some cases compensation, etc. 1988, 244 pages, cloth $25.00
Arizona Territory Post Offices and Postmasters by J. & L. Theobald A useful book with a good mix of local and postal history. 1961, 178 pages, card $16.50
Arizona Statehood Postmark Catalog by Dr. Robert B. Bechtel Format is similar to Dr. Kriege's book on the Territorial period and in fact many markings were used in both periods. 1989, 268 pages, spiral bound $55.00
Arizona, Wells Fargo in Arizona Territory by John & Lillian Theobald 1978, 224 pages, sold out
Centennial Catalog of Arizona Railway Postal Markings by C. L. Towle 1980, 80 pages, card $15.00
Arkansas, Check List of Post Offices by Patera and Gallagher 1983, 51 pages, card $6.50
Arkansas Place Names by Ernie Deane 1986, 201 pages, card $32.50
Arkansas, Handling the Mail in Benton County Arkansas 1836-1976 by George H. Phillips. A most comprehensive account. 1979, 136 pages, card, edition of 500, autograph $35.00
History of California Post Offices, 1849 - 1990 by H. E. Salley edited by E.Patera The new edition updated and corrected from the original 1977 book, Branches and Stations, RFD, Navy Numbered PO, RPO, maps, an extremely fine work.
California Postmaster Compensation by Alan H. Patera Arranged by County and then by City, the 19th century is well covered but data is given for some offices until the 1940's. An excellent guide to the amount of mail handled by an office. 1994, 123 pages, card $15.00
California, A Century of California Post Offices by W. N. Frickstad A listing of Post Offices, establishment and discontinuance dates.
California Place Names by Erwin G. Gudde More emphasis on name origin than most place name books but still of much value to the California and Western collector. 1974, revised edition, 441 pages, cloth $85.00
California, 1000 California Place Names by Erwin G. Gudde An abridged version of the above book, a handy pocket guide. 1959, revised edition, 104 pages, card $8.50
California, 1904 County Atlas 1981 reprint of 1904 book, 24 pages, self cover, edition of 700, sold out
California, Fresno and San Francisco Bicycle Post of 1894 by Lowell B. Cooper, The suspension of Mail Service arising from the American Railway Union (ie Pullman) strike. Detailed study of Banta's postal and philatelic local. The Wells Fargo activity during the ARU strike are also covered. Being our own publication we are most prejudiced but we think you will find it an interesting story of a legitimate private post with some fascinating fraudulent philatelic activity. The story is still not complete but nothing new has appeared since the publication of this book. 1983, 152 pages, 100 illustrations, cloth, edition of 500, $50.00
California, Post Offices and Postmasters of Inyo County, California 1866-1966 by Robert P. Palazzo. Well written and produced, showing maps, covers, old pictures, etc., 2005, 54 pages, card, $10.95
California, Bear Flag Country, Legacy of the Revolt, A History of the Towns and Post Offices of Sonoma County, California by Richard P. Papp A thumbnail sketch of each town with the basic philatelic information, enjoyable. 1996, 224 pages, smithies sewn and cloth bound, $72.50
California, The Street Railway Postal Service in San Francisco by Beardsley and Parkinson 1984, 60 pages, card from MPOS, $17.50
California Postmarks to 1935: Los Angeles County by John Williams 1990, 148 pages, card, $32.50
California's Lake County, Places and Postal History by E.R. Feltman A fine mix of philately and local history, enjoyable. 1993, 128 pages, card, $12.00
California, Gold Rush Steamers of the Pacific by Ernest A. Wiltsee The history of the ships and companies. 1976 reprint of 1938 book, 496 pages, 90 new philatelic photographs, $55.00
California, Gold Fever by Ken Kutz Not really a California book but it evidently has a place here. A history of gold from the mid 1850's, many illustrations of covers, a rarity guide. 1987, 400 pages, cloth, 600 illustrations in color $65.00
California Gold by Kenneth J. Kutz 1994, 253 pages, leather, edition of 50, limited stock please enquire, $75.00
California, Letters of Gold by Jesse L. Coburn An enjoyable mixture of history and philately, perhaps too much history but still of tremendous value to the student and collector. 1984, 399 pages, about 1100 illustrations, cloth, $35.00
California, The Overland Mail, 1849-1869 by Le Roy R. Hafen 1977 reprint of 1926 book, 361 pages, cloth
California, Pioneer Miner and the Pack Mule Express by E. A. Wiltsee 1976 reprint of 1931 book, 160 pages, cloth, map in pocket, $45.00
California, Railway Post Offices of California and Nevada by Rod Crossley Details construction of the lines, the development of RPS, known markings. 1991, 204 pages, card, $35.00, sold out
Colorado Post Offices 1859-1989 by Bauer, Ozment and Willard An excellent listing of the Post Offices plus some attractive covers, etc. 1990, 288 pages, cloth, $45.00
Colorado Postal History, The Post Offices by Bauer, Ozment and Willard An excellent listing of the Post Offices, etc. 1971, 248 pages, cloth, limited stock, $25.00
Colorado Territory and Pre-Territorial Postmarks by D. L. Jarrett 1976, 207 pages, cloth, extra map with deluxe, deluxe edition $115.00 regular edition, when available, $80.00
Colorado, Postmarks and Places by George Harlan, A fun and interesting background book on the towns, 1976, circa 200 pages, card, limited stock, $42.50
Colorado, The Territorial Post Offices of Colorado by Sheldon H. Dike, 1957, 16 pages, card, $4.00, sold out
Colorado, Camp Genter: Colorado Ghost Town Mail, origins and operations of a 4th class post office by John H. Willard and Sergio Lugo The battle of a small town for postal service, mostly in the 1920's but it spans from the 1880's through the 1943, 2008, 98 pages, full color, card, $25.00
Colorado Illustrated Covers by Kenneth Segerstrom Numerous illustrations, development of the state through advertising. 1989, 104 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 3, $16.00
Pre territorial Colorado Postal History by Daniel Y. Meschter The Overland Mails, Pike's Peak mail and other private expresses. 1994, 98 pages, card, La Posta Monograph $17.00
Colorado Postal History, Some Early Railway Postal Routes by Willard 1974, 61 pages, card
Connecticut Post Offices and Postmarks by Arthur J. Warmsley 1977, 257 pages, cloth $55.00
Connecticut, The New Haven Beehive by Arthur J. Warmsley 1982, 28 pages, card, interesting story, well printed $17.50
Connecticut Manuscript Postmarks by Raymond F. Longobardi, Second Edition by Ralph A. Edson. A completely new version of the 1984 edition, in addition to all manuscript postmarks being illustrated, four covers are in color and twenty eight in black and white. 1997, Second Edition, 60 pages, card, $16.00
Connecticut, Stamford Post Offices & Postmasters 1790-1977 1977, 22 pages, card, out of print $4.50
Connecticute The Waterbury Cancellations 1865-1890 by Paul Rohloff & Alfred Diamond
Connecticut, The Waterbury Cancellations 1865-1890 by Rohloff & Diamond 1979, 279 pages, cloth, deluxe edition, limited stock $125.00
Delaware and the District of Columbia, The Post Offices by Growther & Merolla 1978, 50 pages, card $6.50
District of Columbia, Street Car RPO of Washington by Stanton and Truax 1983, 50 pages, card $15.00
Florida Post Offices by John S. Gallagher Organized by county with information on variant spellings, establishment and discontinuance dates, mail to addresses and the name of the first postmaster. 1997, 240 pages, cloth, $50.00, sold out
Florida Place Names of Indian Origin and Seminole Personal Names by William A Reed 2004, 83 pages, card, $18.00
IMG SRC="CSA Fl.jpg" width="250" align="right"> Florida Postal History During the Civil War by Dean R. Briggs, MD A detailed study of each town; with listings of known covers both into and from the towns, and illustrations. All Florida towns that had post offices during the period are listed, together with the names of postmasters, compensation rates, and post office receipts. Postal routes are described in detail. Official Union occupation post offices and the Key West, Fort Pickens and Fort Jefferson post offices are recorded along with examples of all known Union Florida postal markings. 2018, 299 pages, cloth, full color $75.00 Florida Stampless Postal History 1763-1861 by Florida Postal History Society A brief history of each town, all postmasters, compensation and receipts, establishment and discontinuances dates, Seminole War forts and camps, stampless markings, quantity known of each, listings also include markings known only in archives, extremely useful. 1999, 311 pages, card, $65.00
Florida, A Chronology of Florida Post Offices by A. G. Bradbury and E. S. Hallock, 1993 revision of 1962 book, 98 pages, card, $17.50
The Turbulent Decade, Georgia's Post Offices 1860-1869 by Francis J. Crown, Jr., An excellent listing by Post Office of the US - CSA - US etc. postmasters and appointment with dates by Town and the postmasters alphabetically plus an exceptional 22 pages introduction and history, appendix, notes and bibliography. It shows the transition between the US - CSA - US postal systems, highly recommended, 2007, 158 pages, cloth, edition of 200 copies, $50.00
Georgia Place Names by Kenneth Krakow A most welcome volume on a state with little published postal history information, the first edition appeared in 1975. 1994, 2nd edition, 288 pages, card, sold out
Georgia, Guide to Georgia Public Officials During the Stampless Period by F. J. Crown Jr. A useful listing of Georgia Public Officials with some rate and other Information of value, six covers are illustrated, a nice compilation, attractive, a quite limited edition, this being the second printing, only 25 copies as was the first printing. 1996, 34 pages, plastic cover, $12.50
Georgia, Confederate Stamps, Old Letters and History by Raynor Hubbell Mostly the history of Griffin, Georgia and Raynor reminiscing 1959 original edition, 89 pages, cloth, $47.50
Hawaii, Place Names by Mary K. Pukui, S. H. Elbert and E. T. Mookini Little PO data but still useful as there is nothing else. 1981, 311 pages, card $20.00
Hawaii, The Grinnell Hawaiian Missionary Stamps by Patrick Pearson, From the Royal Philatelic Society of London
Hawaiian Missionaries and the Grinnell Controversy by Fred F. Gregory, 2006, A DVD based on a lecture given at the Collectors Club of New York, well produced, good sound and video, runs 65 minutes, $15.00
Hawaii, The Grinnells and the Mystic Stamp Company, The Mystic stamp company has issued three booklets on the Grinnell forgeries which we consider a significant part of the story.These are or were available from Mystic at no charge however we find it necessary make a small charge.
Hawaii, Plating the Hawaiian Numerals by J. F. Westerberg The standard work for plating the stamps and most useful for detecting the numerous forgeries, quality illustrations of all positions and settings. Original pages printed in 1968 plus one two page addition, 1968, 88 pages, pages not cut $35.00, ring binder, $45.00
Hawaii, Aerophilatelic Flights, Hawaii & Central Pacific, 1913-1946 by J. Crampon, covers all flights and illustrates cancels and cachets. 1980, 70 pages, card, out of print
Hawaii, Its Stamps and Postal History by Meyer & Harris The standard work on the stamps and postal history. 1948, 424 pages, cloth (card bound copies also exist), enquire first, $250.00
Hawaii, Additions to Hawaiian Postal History by E. J. Burns These works are additions to the above Meyer-Harris Hawaii.
Hawaiian Stamp List, Frank C. Atherton Collection by Sam Park Catalog of Stamps on Exhibition at the Honolulu Academy of Arts 1937, 24 pages, card $15.00
Hawaii, Adhesive Revenue Stamps of Hawaii by Randall E. Burt An excellent coverage of the stamps and their history. 1987, 124 pages, card, edition of 500, limited stock enquire before ordering, 50.00
Idaho Place Names, A Geographical Dictionary by Lilia Boone 1988, 441 pages, card $19.50
Idaho, Check List of Post Offices by Patera and Gallagher 1984, 18 pages, card $5.00
Illinois Place Names by James N. Adams 1969 edition, cloth, pages numbered 275 - 596, only one copy available, $30.00 1989 edition, addendum by Lowell M. Vokel, cloth, pages numbered 275 - 610, only one copy available, $45.00
Illinois Post Offices: A Listing and Guide to Postmark Scarcity by J. Mehrer The normal PO data as to name, establishment and discontinuance dates, relocations plus a relative scarcity guide of each office on a 0 through 9 scale. Covers 1800 to 1992. 1996, 192 pages, card $25.00
Illinois County Histories
Illinois 19th Century Cancels by Richard Russell 1983, 84 pages, 1096 illustrations, plastic spiral binding, sold out
Illinois, Pre 1830 Post Office Business Excerpts from the PMG Letter Books for Illinois, 1801-1929 1984, 102 pages, card $12.00
Illinois Railway Mail Service, Schedule of Mail Trains, 6th Division March 28, 1899, Original 120 page reprinted on 40 pages 1983, 40 pages, card $12.50
Illinois Chicago Street Cr PRO by John R. Mason and Raymond A. Fleming 1983, 73 pages $22.50
Illinois, The Potter and Vail Machine Cancels by Jack Hilbing Experimental machines used from 1896 through 1900 in Kewanee
Chicago Postal History by Dr. Harvey M. Karlen The basic book of Chicago postal history, useful and readable. 1970, 191 pages, cloth, $35.00, special price $27.50
Chicago's Crabgrass Communities by Dr. Harvey M. Karlen The 19th Century towns surrounding Chicago which the city eventually encompassed, for a period they continued to operated independent of the Chicago PO though they were within the Chicago City Limits. Eventually they lost their independent status but in many cases the names remain as familiar neighborhoods: Hyde Park, Lake View, Calumet, Cicero, etc. 1992, 384+10 pages, 300 illustrations, cloth bound $65.00
Chicago Blue Postal Markings, 1870 - 1877 by Paul K. Berg A useful reference for the specialist but of little use to the general collector, take care in handling as the perfect binding is too light. 1992, 252 pages, card bound, edition of 350, $50.00
Chicago's Mail, An anthology of postal history articles focusing upon the community's growth, it's interests, and its attitudes by Harvey M. Karlen,
The text is first rate but the illustrations are not as one would expect from the CCC, this was realized thus the printing was the lowest of any CCC book. A collection of mostly previously published articles from the pre-Post Office period through the Chicago Perforations and the Civil War to the Century of Progress, it is quite useful to the collector and has some suprising information. 2002, over 276 pages, cloth bound, limited stock, $82.50
Chicago's Great White City, A Postal History Panorama of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition by Harvey M. Karlen The text, content, wording and printing are excellent and invaluable to any collector however without exception the illustrations are from xerox copies and are poor though legible and evident to the collector. I am prejudice as I collect Chicago and Harvey is an old friend but I do think this is a major work.
2004, 6+282 pages, cloth, edition of 150, Out of print, limited stock, $97.00
Handbook of the Postal Cards of the World's Columbian Exposition by Ken Wukasch This work covers much more than just the Goldsmith cards but gets seriously into the operation of the PO at the exposition. A catalog of all known cards including new finds not previously published. There is an additional section which lists and illustrates 83 collateral and advertising (which are Fair oriented) government issued cards. Well illustrated and includes pricing. 2005, 176 pages plus 2 additional in color, cloth $50.00
Official Catalog, Postage Stamp Exhibit, World's Columbian Exposition, by the American Philatelic Association, 1893, 68 pages, card, limited stock, used with no back outer cover $35.00, new $65.00, enquire before ordering.
Michigan, Indian Names in Michigan by Virgil J. Vogel More early history than most placename books, well written and documented. 1986, 241 pages, cloth, $40.00
Indiana, The Postal History of Indiana by J. David Baker
The definitive work on Indiana and a fine guide for any state.
Useful and enjoyable for both the collector and the scholar.
1976, two volumes, 1,100 pages plus microfiche, cloth, edition 750, $75.00
INDIANA POSTAL HISTORY SOCIETY NEWSLETTER From the first issue Jan 8, 1985 through Number 57, Jan-March, 1999, not bound, should be complete with added pages, $85.00, sold
Indiana Post Offices by V. A. Ross and Art Hadley A fine supplement to the Baker Indiana work, highly recommended. 1993, 154 pages, spiral bound, $25.00, sold out
Indiana Place Names by Ronald L. Baker and Marvin Carmony Both the card and cloth editions are now out of print but we have a small stock, 1976, 224 pages, card, $20.00, cloth bound, $45.00
Iowa, Postmarked Iowa, A List of Discontinued and Renamed P.O. by Ramsey 1976, 559 pages, cloth, $47.50
Iowa Post Offices 1833 - 1986 by Alan H. Patera and John S. Gallagher 1986, 232 pages, cloth, $50.00
Iowa, A Postal History of Sioux City by Inez E. Kirkpatrick 1977, 208 pages, cloth, 40.00
Iowa, The Introduction of Adhesive Postage Stamps in Iowa 1845-1853 by James S. Leonardo An exceptional study of significance far beyond Iowa. An excellent account of the introduction of adhesive postage stamps in the US which is of significant value to all collectors. The data on the Iowa usages is excellent, highly recommended. 1996, 145 pages, soft cover, edition of 260 copies, $27.50
Kansas Post Offices, May 29, 1828 - August 3, 1961 by Baughman
Kansas, 1001 Kansas Place Names by Sondra Van Meter McCoy & Jan Hults 1989, 232 pages, card, useful and enjoyable $12.50
Kansas, Somewhere in Time: The Kansas Territory 1854 - 1861 by W. Martin A postal history and listing of postmarks from the 324 towns. Well organized, text, maps well printed and bund, illustrations adequate. 1987, 184 pages, cloth $37.50
Kentucky, A Postal History and Reference Guide 1790-1855 by J. McCarter Every postmaster for the period, the establishment and discontinuation dates plus various earliest known usages, best Ky book to date. 1985, 184 pages plus 2 maps, printed on good paper, card, edition 500, $85.00
Kentucky, A Checklist of Kentucky PO by Patera and Gallagher Good for the 1855-1988 but also check Rennick, much inferior to McCarter in quality and scope for the early years. 1989, 84 pages, card $10.00
A detailed study of the Post Offices with emphasis on the location, history, opening, naming, etc.
Kentucky, Kentucky Place Names by Robert M. Rennick Kentucky is the heart of the small post offices, what other state has eight offices starting with the letter Z. At times a town consists only of a post office in a general store; the establishment date and first postmaster is often given as are other details such as the founding, etc. 1984, 400 pages, card, $65.00
Kentucky, Postmarked Kentucky . . . 1792-1900 by Alan T. Atkins Post Office names and dates with illustrations of covers and markings. 1975, 163 pages, cloth, edition of 550, $20.00
Kentucky, Postal History of Louisville, Kentucky by Louis Cohen Illustrations and descriptions of markings, brief introduction 1987, 77 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 1, $15.00
Louisiana, Postal Facilities and Postmarks, District of Louisiana, the Territory of Louisiana and the Territory of Missour 1804-1821 by C. Corwith Wagner, 1960, 38 pages, card, $22.50
Louisiana Post Offices by John J. Germann with Patera and Gallagher Arranged by Parish with a good map of each, cross indexed. 1990, 248 pages, cloth $42.50
Louisiana, The Great Mail by L. V. Huber & C. A. Wagner The postal history of New Orleans from 1804 through 1895, 1949, 200 pages, paper case binding, $72.50
The Great Mail by L. V. Huber & C. A. WagnerThe postal history of New Orleans from 1804 through 1895, 1949, 200 pages, paper case binding, $70.00 Louisiana, Postal History of Spanish New Orleans, A Study of the Development of Mail Service and Postal Communications to and from New Orleans during the Spanish Period, 1763-1804 by Dr. Y. H. Kouri An exceptional study of all postal functions relating to the City of New Orleans during the Spanish period, with excellent historical background, also some references to the Southwest Territories. 2004, £38.50 plus transit, $88.50
Louisiana, Postal Facilities and Postmarks, District of Louisiana, the Territory of Louisiana and the Territory of Missouri 1804-1821 by C. Corwith Wagner, outprint from the 1954 APC book, 38 pages, card, limited stock $22.50
Louisiana, John Leonard Riddell, Scientist-Inventor, Melter & Refiner of the New Orleans Mint, Postmaster of New Orleans by Karlem Riess 1977, 110 pages, card,enquire before ordering, $62.50
Maine Postal History and Postmarks by Sterling T. Dow A fine postal history with an excellent Colonial section. Several Maine articles by Dow have been added to the reprint.
Maine, New Hampshire & Maine, Place Names of the White Mountains by Robert & Mary Julyan Revised and expanded from the 1980 edition, 625 names covering northern New Hampshire and western Maine. 1993, 176 pages, card $16.00
Maryland Postal History and Handstamped Markings of the Stampless Period by D. Homer Kendall Each town is covered individually starting with a brief description and continuing with the markings, much background information.
Maryland, The Postal History of Maryland, Delmarva Peninsula and the District of Columbia by C. M. Smith and John L. Kay Covers the first post offices and postmasters, 1775-1984 1985, 327 pages, cloth $45.00
Postal Markings 1766-1855 of Maryland by Roger T. Powers 1960, 100 pages, card spiral prong binding,
Maryland, Placenames in Maryland, Their Origin and Meaning by H. Kenny Useful though little PO information, excellent history, good location information, well indexed with a fine bibliography 1984, 364 pages, card $22.50, sold out
Maryland Baltimore by Douglas N. Clark and F. Edgar RuckleStreet Car PRO's, 1979, 41 pages, one overlay, card $20.00
Massachusetts, The Post Offices of Massachusetts by Merolla & Crowther This work differs from similar ones in that it has a rarity guide for each Post Office and is beautifully printed and bound. 1981, 159 pages, cloth with dj, numbered, edition of 1,000, $45.00
Massachusetts, Boston Postmarks to 1890 by M. C. Blake & W. W. Davis Important for Colonial, 19th century U.S. and Maritime collectors in addition to those interested in Boston and Massachusetts.
Massachusetts, Postal Service in Boston, 1639-1893 by C. W. Ernst 1975 reprint of 1894 article, 70 pages, card $9.50
Massachusetts, Boston Street Car RPO by Roger J. Heines 1981, 46 pages $17.50
Massachusetts, Postal History of Berkshire County 1790-1981 by Dr's Leo L. Lincoln and Lee C. Drickamer. A fine study illustrating hundreds of Postmarks, Post Offices and covers, enjoyable chatty format 1982, 184 pages, card, autographed $25.00, sold out
Massachusetts, The Post Office at Walker, Mass by Maryan L. Nowak 1988, 24 pages, card $3.50
Michigan Place Names by Walter Romig, foreword by Larry B. Massie An excellent place name book with good philatelic interest 1986 reprint of 1973 book, 673 pages, card $25.00
Michigan Postal History The Post Offices 1805-1986 by David M. Ellis Arranged by county with maps but with a good alphabetical listing by offices, note it is in the front of the book, starting page 13, and not in the back. An especially good listing of dispositions, ie what happened when an office closed. 1994, 552 pages, cloth
Michigan, Indian Names in Michigan by Virgil J. Vogel More early history than most placename books, well written and documented. 1986, 241 pages, cloth $40.00
Michigan, Upper Michigan Postal History and Postmarks by W. J. Taylor In addition to the usual listing of POs and dates we have some articles ranging from early mail service to FDCs, enjoyable. 1988, 124 pages, card $17.50
Michigan Postal Markings by Maurice F. Cole, 1955, 193+8+6 pages, card, one copy available autographe, $42.50
Michigan Voices From The Wilderness by Maurice F. Cole, 1961, 336+6 pages, cloth, enquire
Minnesota Place Names, A Geographical Encyclopedia, by Warren Upham Geographic Names, Origin and Historic Significance 2001, 3rd edition, first since 1969, 736 pages, cloth, $52.50
Minnesota, The Post Offices by A. H. Patera & J. S. Gallagher 1978, 280 pages, cloth, mostly a listing of Post Offices
Mississippi Post Offices by J. S. Gallagher and A. H. Patera Organized by county with information on variant spellings, establishment and discontinuance dates, mail to addresses and the name of the first postmaster. An 1894 Postal Route map is also shown. A fine work and an excellent companion to Bruce Oakley's work on the PM. 1996, 259 pages, cloth, $47.50
Mississippi, Postal History, Stampless Period 1799-1860 by B. C. Oakley An excellent work, especially on the markings. 1967, Vol. 1, 290 pages, cloth, edition of 300, numbered 1980, Vol. 2, 663 pages, cloth, edition of 300 $40.00
Missouri, Our Storehouse of Missouri Place Names by R. L. Ramsey Information is in a text format but is well indexed, useful history. 1991 reprint of 1952 book, 160 pages, card, $12.50
Missouri, Military Mail and Civil War Patriotic Covers Used in Missouri by Schultz and Parker A fine Civil War coverage of Missouri, well illustrated. 1995, 95 pages, card La Posta Monograph, sold out
Missouri, Street Car RPO of Saint Louis by Robert G. Schultz 1984, 60 pages, card, $17.50
Montana, Names on the Face of Montana by Roberta Carkeek Cheney Gives PO opening years and much useful information. 1984, 343 pages, card, 12 page addendum, paper $12.00
Montana Territorial Postmarks by Wesley N. Shellen and Francis Dunn Just out from La Posta, a fine addition to the Meschter work. 2003, 128 pages, card, $26.50, enquire
Montana, The Postal History of Montana through June 30, 1870 by Meschter 1989, 92 pages, card, La Posta Monograph 4, $12.00 An enjoyable and useful study, history, PO dates, covers, etc.
Nebraska Place Names by Elton A. Perkey A fine work, much postal information including name changes. 1982, 227 pages, some illustrations, card $9.50
Nebraska, The Post Offices of Nebraska by W. F. & J. L. C. Rapp
Nebraska Railway Post Offices by William F. Rapp Maps of all routes with many illustrations of cancels and covers. 1995, 129 pages, cloth, $47.50
Nevada Nevada Place Names by Helen S. Carlson A fine and useful place name book,.
Nevada Postal History by Robert P. Harris, 1973, 64 pages with large map in pocket, limited stock, $22.50, sold out
Nevada Post Offices, An Illustrated History by Gamet & Paher 1983, 176 pages, covers 760 towns, cloth, enquire first, $45.00
Nevada, A Century of .. Post Offices 1852-1957 by W. N. Frickstad Reprint of 1958 booklet, 48 pages, card cover, $12.50
Nevada, Railway Post Offices of California and Nevada by Rod Crossley Details construction of the lines, the development of RPS, known markings. 1991, 204 pages, card, $35.00
New Hampshire, Postal History of by J. L. Kay & C. M. Smith Jr. The Post Offices and First Postmaster from 1775 to 1985. 1986, 164 pages, cloth, a listing of Post Office establishments, $30.00
New Hampshire & Maine, Place Names of the White Mountains by Robert & Mary Julyan Revised and expanded from the 1980 edition, 625 names covering northern New Hampshire and western Maine. 1993, 176 pages, card $17.00
New Jersey, Postal Markings of Stampless Covers by William C. Coles Jr. Illustrates all stampless postmarks along with dates and rarity guide 1983, 295 pages, cloth, regular edition $35.00, deluxe edition $40.00
New Jersey Postal History by J. L. Kay & C. M. Smith Jr A listing of Post Office establishments, etc., not really a postal history. 1977, 199 pages, cloth, sold out
New Jersey, Illustrated Directory of NJ 1847 Issue Covers by Brad Arch 1987, 44 pages, card plus supplements 1 and 2, $9.50 1990 and 1993 supplements, 8 pages $3.00
New Jersey, General Scheme of Nw Jerse;y with dia New Jersey's Foreign Mail by Gerard J. Neufeld An interesting monograph on NJ Foreign Mail covers from Colonial through the Banknotes Issues, worth having, illustrates and describes 140 covers. 1997, 76 pages, card, $12.50
New Mexico, The Place Names of New Mexico by Robert Julyan More than 7,000 names with Post Offices and abandoned settlements covered. 1996, 385 pages, card, $32.50
New Mexico, Post Offices of New Mexico by Richard W. Helbock, 1981, 69 pages, card, one copy available, $10.00, enquire first
New Mexico Territorial Postmark Catalog by Sheldon H. Dike, 1965, 71 pages, plastic spiral binding
New Mexico, Place Names by T. M. Pearce A listing of names, locations, origins and some Post Office data. 1965, 187 pages, card, out of print but we have a few copies left $12.50
New York Postal History, The Post Offices and First Postmasters from 1775 to 1980 by John L. Kay and Chester M. Smith Jr. 1982, 556 pages, cloth, $50.00
Postal Markings of New York State 1792-1856 by George J. Bernadt Arranged by county in alphabetic sequence, a rarity factor and updated value is given for each marking. 1993, 382 pages, 3 ring binder, $75.00, sold out
New York, The Foreign Mail Cancellations of New York City, 1870-1878 by William R. Weiss Jr. A comprehensive study that list over 200 markings and 2,000 individual covers, many stamps and covers are illustrated full size with extremely fine quality halftone cuts. Well printed and on heavy enameled paper. We consider this work a basic study and a good value. 1991, 509 pages, cloth, edition of 500, $125.00
The Foreign Mail Cancellations of New York City, 1870-1878 by William R. Weiss Jr. A comprehensive study that list over 200 markings and 2,000 individual covers, many stamps and covers are illustrated full size with extremely fine quality halftone cuts. Well printed and on heavy enameled paper. We consider this work a basic study and a good value. 1991, 509 pages, cloth, edition of 500, $132.50
New York Foreign Mail Cancellations 1870-1876 by van Vlissingen and Waud
New York, Peltz Collection of Albany Postal History, The Hudson River Mail, 1804-1858 by Kenneth R. de Lisle 1969, 59 pages, card, edition of 500, $26.50
New York, Collected Postal History Notes of Ontario County, N.Y. State by Emma G. Koberg, 1977, 95 pages, plastic ring binding, only one copy available $19.50
New York, Manuscript Post Offices of N.Y. State by Chlanda & Wilcox
New York, Star Cancels of New York State by Dave Proulx Seventy basic types, illustrated and listed by town, used 1860 - 1900. 1987, 36 pages, card, second printing, edition 100 copies $14.50
New York, County and Postmaster Cancels of New York State by David Proulx 1990, 44 pages, card, edition of 300 copies, $12.00
New York, Street Car RPO in Rochester by D. N. Clark 1986, 56 pages, card, MPOS Monograph, op, $20.00, sold out
New York, Early Buffalo Postal History, The Collection of Nate Calkins A collection arranged by year with appendices for Express and Steamboat, mail, printed on one side of the page, edition 250 1990, 4+160+6+15 pages, punched for three ring binder, $27.500
New York, 200 Years of Cayuga County by Charles H. Sweeting From manuscript and straight-lines to philatelic notables. 1998, 346 pages, cloth bound, edition 102 copies, $42.50
New York, Oswego County Postal History by Charles H. and Heather L. Sweeting, 2001, 510 pages, cloth, edition of 102 copies, only one copy in stock, should it be reprinted we will offer at the published price, $85.00
New York, Otsego County Postal History by Dorothy Scott Fielder A nicely produced work, unusual in that the markings are shows as enlarged halftones of actual strikes, they show up quite well on the enameled paper, much local history. 1994, 221 pages, card, $25.00
New York, Wayne County Postal History by E. G. Koberg 1982, 94 pages, card, edition of 150, $15.00
The Postal History of Western New York, its Post Offices, its Postmasters by Pitt Petri1960, 272 pages, card
New York, A Gazetteer of the State of New York 1824 by H.G.Spafford, 1981 reprint, 629 pages, cloth, only one copy, $67.50
New York, History of Orange County New York with Illustrations 1683 - 1881, 1980-86 reprint, in two volumes, 820 pages, cloth, vol 2 has some ink splattering on binding, only one copy, $85.00
New York, Orange County 1875 Beers Atlas, reprint, large format 15.5 x 13.5 inches, some fold out pages, cloth, new condition, only one copy, $65.00
New York, Selected Bibliography of Secondary Sources Material on Orange County by Henry Pomares, 1986, 29 pages, card, only one copy, $7.50
New York, Orange County Settlemelnts by Margery Shipp, 1979, 36 pages, card, only one copy $12.00
North Carolina Post Offices and Postmasters 1860-1866 1992, 35 pages, card, useful, $10.00
North Carolina, Postal Markings of the N.C. Railroads by Tony L. Crumbley Includes Station Agents, Waterways, Routes, etc., well illustrated. A beautifully produced title at an extremely low price. 1994, 79 pages, card, edition only 200 copies, $12.00
North Carolina, The First Hundred Years of Historic, Guilford County, 1771-1871 by A. Earl Weatherly A fine North Carolina postal history, 1972, 207 pages, cloth, $38.50
North Carolina, The Revenue Stamps of North Carolina, including Tax Tags and Related items by Scott Troutman, 2005, 39 pages, well illustrated in color, card, $20.00
Self-Sufficiency at All Cost, Confederate Post Office Operations in North Carolina 1861 - 65 by Richard F. Ridgway The CSA PO has always been praised for showing a profit while both pre and post war Federal operations in the South ran at a deficit. Ridgway concludes that the true costs for running at a profit were not in proportion to the losses from poor mail service, moral, etc. Ridgway seems to forget that Reagan's drive for fiscal self-autonomy was a mandate from Congress. 1988, 78 pages, card, $20.00
North Dakota Place Names by Douglas A. Wick Postal references are quite good, a few markings are illustrated. 1989, 239 pages, card , out of print, a new edition may appear in 2001
North Dakota Post Offices 1850-1982 by Patera & Gallagher 1982, 188 pages, cloth, also 16 page card booklet $25.00
Northwest Territory, Establishment of the First US Government Post Office in the Northwest Territory by J. B. Devol & R. B. Graham 1975, 48 pages, cloth, a definitive study $20.00
Ohio, The Post Offices of Ohio by J. S. Gallagher & A. H. Patera A list of Post Offices plus a few maps and photographs of PO's. 1979, 318 pages, cloth, one copy available $60.00
Ohio Place Names by Larry L. Miller No postal data but county identification and good information on the founding. 1996, 299 pages, cloth, $42.50
Ohio, 19th Century Cleveland, Ohio Postal Markings by the Garfield Perry Stamp Club From the first manuscript marking in 1804 to machines in 1899; rate markings, fancy, patent, advertised, missent, registered, carriers and express labels. 1991, 128 pages, card, edition 500, $28.50
Ohio, Street Car RPO in Cincinnati and Cleveland by K. Stewart 1987, 56 pages, card, MPOS Monograph $17.50
Ohio, The Toledo Strip by George J. Ball, 1984, 73 pages, card bound, $15.00
Oklahoma Place Names by George H. Shirk One of the better PN books for philatelist, almost up to Swift's Vermont. 1987, 2nd edition, 288 pages, card $25.00
Oklahoma Post Offices by Richard W. Helbock Arranged by county but cross indexed, opening and closing dates, maps. 1987, 278 pages, card, $30.00
Post Offices of Oregon, Washington and Idaho by Dr. R. L. Landis, illustrated with some postal markings, 1969, about 225 pages, cloth
Oregon Geographic Names by Lewis L. McArthur Good historic background, some excellent PO background information. 1982, 5th Revised Edition, 864 pages, cloth $32.50
Oregon Post Offices 1847 - 1982 by Richard W. Helbock 1985, 2nd edition, 164 pages, cloth, edition of 250, out of print
Oregon Postmarks, A Catalog of 19th Century Usages by Whittlesey & Helbock Over 2,000 postmark types from over 500 post offices, 1849-1900. 1985, 248 pages, spiral bound, edition of 500 numbered copies, $52.50
Oregon, Rajneesh and the US Postal Service by Bert Webber Rajneesh's postal service from it's founding in 1983 to the end in 1986 including the squabbles with the Antelope, Oregon post office. 1988, 78 pages, card, $20.00
Oregon, Portland Area Postal History by R. W. Helbock 1983, 46 pages, card $7.50
Oregon Express Companies by Dale Forster Covers the 1845-1870 period, well researched and enjoyable to read, a major work on the Express Companies. 1985, 240 pages, cloth, edition of 500, $52.50
Oregon Postmaster Compensation, 1851-1911 by R. W. Helbock 1982, 130 pages, card $15.00
Oregon, Pacific Northwest Doanes by Richard W. Helbock A checklist and scarcity index covering Oregon, Washington & Idaho. 1985, 68 pages, card $12.50
Pennsylvania, Independent Post Offices of Philadelphia County 1800-1867 by Robert J. Stets and John L. Kay 1979, 44 pages, card
Pennsylvania, Street Car RPO Service in Philadelphia by R. J. Stets 1978, 44 pages, one overlay, card, enquire
Pennsylvania, Street Car RPO Service in Pittsburgh by L. Booth 1983, 59 pages, card $17.50
Pennsylvania, The Postal History of The Powell Bros. Livestock Emporium, Spring Corners Spring, Pennsylvania by Norman Cohen The story of a company involved in importing and breading pure-bred live stock, numerous covers from the 1870's through the 1890's are illustrated. 2007, 44 pages, full color, $20.00
Rhode Island, Rhode Island Postal History, the post offices by Lawrence M. Merolla, Frank Crowther & Arthur Jacksonr, basic PO data, rarity factors plus a cover illustrated from most towns
Rhode Island, The Post Offices of Rhode Island by John Gallagher 1977, 36 pages, card, opening and closing dates, out of print
and the Confederate Postmaster Provisionals
It covers in detail: the Postmaster Alfred Huger, the stamp printer Evans & Cogswell, cancellations, plating study of the lithographed provisional stamp, census of all known Charleston postmaster provisionals in addition to a detailed study of the fake and bogus stamps, envelopes and covers.
2012, 152 + 3 pages, hard bound, 165+ illustrations in color, edition of 100 copies, limited stock $125.00
South Carolina Postal History & Illustrated Catalog of Postmarks by Harvey S. Teal and Robert J. Stets 1990, 228 pages, card, out of print
South Dakota Post Offices by Patera, Gallagher and Stach By county with a cross listing in the back, each county has a map and an excellent listing of dates and postmasters, also a little history. 1991, 400 pages, cloth
South Dakota Checklist by Alan H. Patera 1986, 28 pages, card $6.00
Tennessee Postoffices and Postmaster Appointments 1789-1984 by Del Frazier A complete listing of all postmasters, not just the first, by county, a map for each county, also an index of offices giving the county. 1986, 838 pages, cloth, one page addendum and errata, cloth, $75.00
Tennessee Place Names by Larry L. Miller 2001, 248+12, card, $25.50
Texas Mail
Late 1835 to Early 1846
by Rex H. Stever A detailed study of the operation of the post with many maps, drawings showing the mail contract routes in addition to listings of towns and markings. This book breaks new ground and is an excellent addition to Schmit's An Encyclopedia of Texas Post Offices, ter Braake's Texas: The Drama of its Postal Past, etc.
2008, 170 + xi pages, cloth with dj, $35.00
Texas, An Encyclopedia of Texas Post Offices by Walter Godfrey Schmidt Another major new book from the Collectors Club of Chicago Texas has existed and been active under six flags thus even a basic volume listing the post offices is significant. Yes six and not five: Spain, France, Mexico, Republic of Texas, US, CSA. The normal establishment date along with the Country is given but for the discontinuance we have an actual date or if still current the zip code. About 11,300 post offices are listed and 87 covers are illustrated., 1993, 279 pages, cloth, $75.00
Texas Post Offices by John J. Germann 1989, 225 pages, heavy paper, in ring binder, only one available, $52.50
Texas, 1001 Texas Place Names by Fred Tarpley 1980, 256 pages, card, brief notes on the towns, some PO data, $10.00
Texas, Reminiscences of the Civil War by Ralph J. Smith, Co. K. 2nd Texas Infantry 1962, 50 pages, cloth, only one available, copy 211 of 250, $52.50
Texas Postal History Handbook by Charles Deaton 1991, reprint of 1980 book, 245 pages, card, edition 100, one copy available, $65.00
Texas, Handling the Mails at Corpus Christi by Rex H. Stever A detailed history from the establishment of the first trading post in 1839 to 1997. 1997, 260 pages, 150 illustrations, cloth with dj, edition of 400, $55.00
Texas, the Drama of its Postal Past by Alex L. ter Braake 1970, 298 pages, cloth, a true postal history [limited stock] $85.00
Texas, Post Office Papers of the Republic, 1836-1840 by J. M. Day A transcription of the original documents, well indexed. 1966-67, two volumes, 239 pages each, cloth, edition of 500 sets, $105.00
Texas, Philatelic Guide to the 1936 Texas Centennial Celebration by Deaton 1984, 95 pages, card, cachets with a little history and background, one copy available, $18.50
Texas, The Collector's Guide to 1936 Texas Independence and 1945 Statehood Centennial Cachets by Jim Dougherty, 1996, about 100 pages, plastic ring binding, one copy available, $32.50
Texas, Charles W. Deaton, Fifty Years of Texas Philately a Remembrance of a Stamp Dealer, 2006, 46 pages, card, a fun book for those in Texas or know Charlie, $12.50
Utah Place Names by John W. Van Cott Excellent historic and location information, no PO data however Pony Express stations are mentioned. 1990, 480 pages, card, $22.50
Utah, Post Offices of Utah by John Gallagher 1977, 84 pages, card, a list of Post Offices plus a few maps, $10.50
Utah, The Salt Lake City Post Office, 1849-1869 by Les Whall 1982, 202 pages, card, autographed [limited stock], $45.00
Vermont, The Postal History of Vermont by George C.Slawson, Arthur W. Bingham & Srague W. Drenan 1969, 308 pages, cloth, also the Index, 1971, 57 pages, card, only one copy available, new conditon, $215.00, sold
Vermont Philatelic Index by Karl E. Henson A well researched and arranged study but we wish the publishers would have invested a reasonable sum in the paper and binding however the price is now reduced from the original $30.00 to $15.00., 1993, 202 pages, card, $15.00
Vermont, The Special Cancellations of Vermont by Dr. Paul G. Abajian Covers 1913 through 1996, in essence an illustrated catalog Edition of 100 copies, each signed and numbered 1997, 200 pages, plastic spiral binding, $16.00
Vermont Place Names by Esther M. Swift More detailed and of greater philatelic value than most PN books. A good but brief history the 1st, 2nd, etc. PM are often provided. The new printing is an exact reproduction of the original however the overall page size is slightly smaller and a three page biograph of the author has been added.
Vermont, Postal History of Burlington, The First 100 Years by Donald B. Johnstone A delightful little booklet at a fair price, quite useful. 1992, 64 pages, card, $9.00
Vermont, Index To The Postal History of Vermont by Chester M. Smith Unfortunately the book was published without an index. 1971, 57 pages, card, note this is only the index, $17.50
Vermont, The Black Jack in Vermont by Durward Mommsen A fine monograph covering just about everything per the title. 1991, 72 pages, card, La Posta Monograph 7, $22.50
Vermont, A History of the Montpelier PO by Gladys Phelps 1969, 8 pages, self cover, $4.50
Virginia Postmasters and Post Offices 1789-1832 by Edith F. Axelson Arranged by county, then post office giving the date established and discontinued along with the month and year each postmaster was appointed. 1991, 242 pages, card, sold out
Virginia Post Offices, 1798-1859 by Virginius Cornich Hall Jr. 1985 VPHS edition, 1992 reprint, 48 pages, card $17.50
Virginia, Confederate States of America, Markings and Postal History of Richmond, Virginia by Peter W. W. Powell The 8 basic types of CDS are actually 49 discrete markings, extensively illustrated, 142 halftones, 117 line cuts. 1987, 188 pages, cloth, edition of 750, $50.00
Washington, D.C. Dead Letter Office to 1920 by Thomas R. Wegner Starts about 1860 when information became available, 18 chapters with 281 illustrations of covers, documents, markings and watermarks. The binding of this book is such that pages are expected to fall out in all copies. 1994, 158 pages, softbound, sold out
Washington, Place Names of Washington by Robert Hitchman A fine volume, good historic and sight location data, 1985, 350 pages, cloth, out of print
Washington Post Offices by Tim Boardman & R. W. Helbock A fine companion volume to the above. 1986, 152 pages, cloth, edition 500, numbered $35.00
Washington, Whatcom County Post Offices and Postmasters 1857-1985 By Neill D. Mullen Lists and details the 89 offices having 1986, 251 pages, punched for binder, edition of 200, autographed sold out
Washington Pacific Northwest Doanes by Richard W. Helbock 1985, 68 pages, card, coves Oregon, Washington & Idaho $9.50
Washington,Postmarked Washington by Bert Webber This series was to eventually cover Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Garfield,
Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman and Yakima counties in three volumes, we fear the subsequent volumes will not appear. Vol. 1, Asotin, Spokane, Whitman, RPO List, 1987, 370 pages, cloth $30.00
Washington Pacific Northwest Doanes by Richard W. Helbock 1985, 68 pages, card, coves Oregon, Washington & Idaho $9.50
Washington, Seattle & Seattle Street Car RPO by Clark and Gowey 1984, 60 pages, card, from MPOS $17.50
Postal History of Walla Walla County Washington by Robert Keatts Normal county material but a greater than normal section of biography of postmasters. 2003, 99 pages, card, $15.95
Washington, Postmarked Washington by Guy Reed Ramsey
Wisconsin, Going For the Mail, A History of Door County Post Offices by James. B. Hale A good write up of each office, historic and philatelic data, a delight for any Wisconsin collector, quite readable. 1996, 256 pages, card, $18.50
Wyoming Place Names, Including Yellowstone National Park by Mae Urbanek Good historic information, usually on the founding and location. 1988, 240 pages, card $15.00
Wyoming Post Offices 1850-1980 by J. S. Gallagher & A. H. Patera In addition to the usual P.O. data there is a map and brief history of each county. Also a booklet, A Checklist of Wyoming Post Offices. 1980, 176 pages, cloth, also the 16 page booklet $25.00